Chapter 40

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Two months later:
Tris pov:
I wake up - as ever - at 8 am. I roll over and get dressed. At exactly 8.30 am it knocks. I open the doot to see - no surprise - luke, Jus and Jer. Since we all are living in the same corridor we walk to breakfast together. I smile at them. "Good morning boys." I get three 'Mornings' as an answer. Then we just walk down the hall and start talking about the upcomig visit of David. He wanted to check up on our work.
During breakfast the only thing we talk about is the visit. We keep planing on how to show him what we achived and what we are doing right now best. We come up with some pretty cool ideas.
In the lap we prepare everything we set up the experiments we want to show David and then just wait. At exactly 1 pm David comes in. "Hello everyone. Good to see you all." He says and we all smile.
For two houres we show David our experiment and he takes notes, nods and says: "Aha, oho, mh" it kind of annoys me. When the time is over he thanks all of us and leaves.
"Puh, wasn't that hard after all..." luke says grinning and we all nod in agreement. Daniel (the old guy who works there as well) says: "Yeah, we'll just have to wait for the result. Till then i'll go to sleep." We all laugh and nod. "Yeah, we canceld the other work for today anyway." Auston agrees and we all leave.
"So Tris, how about we hang out or something?" Jer asks. I shake my head no. "Sorry, i promised to call Christina today." They shrug and just want to leave when Jer turns arounfd again and says: "We are at my place, just to tell you." I nod. "Thanks, i'll come over in a bit." They nod and thrn walk away. I enter my apartment.
Half an hour later i am still phoning with chris. We keep talking and i randomly walk into my bathroom to order my things. Suddenly i see tampons and freeze in the middle of my sentence. "Tris?" I hear her ask. I think hard. When was the last time i had my period? Did i have it this month? Last month? The month before? "Tris are you alright?" Chris asks again. "Yes, i-i do you - do you think its possible that i-i'm pregnant?" She gasps. "What?" "Yes, i don't remember getting my period and at my birthday Tobias and I did - you know... What do i do now? What happens about tobias? I am still so young! I don't..." chris interupts me: "Could you calm down? Lets check this all! First you get a pregnancy test and then we think about everything else!" I nod. "Ok, good plan." "Go now, buy this thing and then call me again when you got it." "Ok, hear you later." She laughs slightly and responds: "Yeah, hear you later." I hang up and quickly get my purse and a jacket. Just before i exit my apartment i stop for a minute and press my hand to my forehead. Calm down Tris! Everything will be fine! Tobias surely wants kids and everything will be fine! I take a deep breath and then walk out.
I walk to the pharmacy and buy two pregnancy tests. Luckily the shop assistant doesn't seem to know me.
I walk back to my apartment and walk inside. The first thing i do is pee on one of them abd then i call Chris again. "Chris?" I ask. "Yes, Tris? Do you got the test?" I nod and then add: "Yes, i got two-just to be sure." "Ok, everything will be fine." "Yeah." I say, more to myself than to her. "Now we wait." Chris says. "Now we wait." I repeat and thats what we do.
Ten minutes later the test beeps. With my hands shaking i take it from the sink. "Tris what does it say?" I hear Chris asking. I slowly turn it around and look at the small display. I am in shock, this can't be possible, this can't be... "Tris! Tell me!" Chris demands. "Christina i-i-i'm pregnant!" She gasps but then squeels. "OMG TRIIIS! CONGRAAATS!!!!" I am still shocked. "I'll have to call tobias!" I say. "Yes do that! Definatly! But also take the second, one can be wrong." I slowly nod, "I will. Bye chris and i would appreciate it if you wouldn't tell anyone, not even Will please." "Of course i won't." "Ok thanks." I say. "Bye." "Bye." I take a deep breath and smooth my hair with my hands. I can do this! I will figure this out! This can't be too dificult... i'll just call Tobias and tell him... - not like this would change our whole lifes... i pick up my phone and dial his number. It rings one time, two times, three times, four times... at the seventh time he finally picks up. But its not him, its a woman voice answering: "Hello, this is Sophia. Who is it?" "Ehm this is tris, can i talk to Tobias?" "He is in a meeting right now, he will call you back later." She wants to hang up but i quickly say: "I am his fiancée, and i want to talk to him right now, tell him it's an emergency." I can hear her sigh over dramaticly. "Fiiine, but i'll tell him that i couldn't get rid of you." "Do that and also tell him its an emergency." "I will. Wait a minute!" She says and i hear the phone getting layed on the table. After that i just wait. I sit on the couch and then only a few seconds later i hear the phone getting picked up fast and then hear Tobias panicked voice: "Tris? Tris are you alright? What happend are you hurt?" "No, i-i-i'm fine. S-s-so-something happend..." "What?" He asks softer now.
Tr- Well, i-i d-don't know h-how to say it, it's a bit complicated. Do you have time?
To- Always for you. Sounds like this is a huge thing...
Tr- yeah it-it is, so please remember that you love me and that we'll have a furure together...
To- Tris? What happend?
I can hear that his voice is shaking and he sounds insecure.
Tr- well do you remember the night after my birthday?
I ask, my voice shaking.
To- yeeeah... what abou that?
Tr- it's really hard to say it over the telefon... but i-i did this one test and i -it told me i am pregnant...
He is quiet and then suddenly cheers. "Really? Tris, thats amazing!!!" I smile. "Yeah, i guess i am... are you happy about it?" I ask unsure. "Tris! I am overjoed! This is what we planed! It will be amazing!" "Yes, it will!" I agree and he laughs. "Ok, so you said you took only one test, maybe you should take another one to be sure." I nod and then say: "Yes, i just wanted to do that. Just wait a minute." "Ok." He answers and i lay my phone on the table before i walk into the bathroom to pee on the next test. I was prepared for any reaction but this... i love him so much!
I walk out again and take the phone again. "Tobias?" He answers immediatly "yes. I'm here." "Ok, we have to wait 10 minutes now." I explain. "Ok. So lets just talk..." "yeah, i got a question... who is that girl who answered your phone?" "Really tris?" I shrug although he can't see me
Tr- what? Just trying to build up a conversation..."
To- suuure...
Tr- then don't believe me... but i was just asking
To- well ok, she is Johannas assistant and we have this meeting so i left my phone outside the meeting room and told her to answer it.
Tr- okay.
To- yeah. How is life at the bureau?
Tr- alright. I still miss you.
To- yeah, me too. Its really hard.
Tr- Agre...
Suddenly the test beeps. "Tris everything alright? Tris?" "The test is r-ready." "Ok, everything will be fine. Just look at the result." "Ok." I slowly turn it around and once again stare at the small display. "And what does it says?" "It - i am n-not pregnant." I look on the floor and a few tears drop out of my eyes. I snif. "Tris thats fine. I mean i would have been happy if you'd been pregnant but right no isn't the perfect time after all." I can't stop crying and just nod although he can't see me. "I want you to hold me." I sob and burry my face in my pillow. "Tris, i-i... what can i do? Tell me, please!" "I-i-i don't know i need you right now." I start crying harder and sobs are racking my body. "Please i feel so helpless, tell me what to do. I'll do anything for you. Shall i come to you?" "I d-don't want y-you to m-miss work!" I arguee. "You are more important than anything else." Since i've calmed myself a bit now i say: "No, i got it." "No, i'll come to you. Thats fine. The meeting is over and i have no important other things to do." "Tobias, thats ok. I got it." "No! No, i-i won't leave you alone with this. Everytime you were alone with a problem you l-left me. I'll come over and visit you, right now!" "Ok, but i won't leave you not ever again." "I'll see you in a bit." Is all he says before he hangs up. I sigh. Ok so tobias is coming... i have to order my things and clean my apartment. I walk around and throw my clothing into the washing machine. Then i take my jacket and walk over to Caths apartment. I knock three times and after a few seconds she opens the door. "Hey Tris. Everything alright? Did you cry?" "Ehh no, i have this allergie, but the main thing: Tobias is coming." "Okaay, but isnt that a good thing?" "Yes, yes of course. But i don't know what to do because of the work." "Just go talk to Luke, he can free you for tomorrow." "Ok, thanks Cath. Bye." "Bye tris." She closes the door and then i go to Lukes apartment.
He immediatly understands and allows me to stay at home tomorrow.

At 4.30 pm my phone rings.
Tr- hello?
To- Hey Tris, its tobias. Just wanted to tell you that i am at the bureau in about 15 minutes.
Tr- ok, see you.

Yeah well now it turned into another visit of tobias but it just happend during the writing. :))
I'll continue at that place in the next chapter.
Hope you liked it

Jojo ♡

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