Chapter 49

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Tris pov:
Everything hurts. I can hear voices. I know these voices. What happend? Am i away from Jeremy? Where is Tobias? Where am I? Open your eyes! They won't move. I try my fingers and any other part of my body. Yes! My finger moved. The voices say something... what is it? I know that voice... its... NINA! Now i can suddenly hear her voice: "She is waking up!" There is a pause. "Tris? Can you hear me?" Yes! I want to say but my mouth won't move. I invardly groan. "Tris?" I hear her ask again. Yes, yes, yes, yes! I am trapped in my body!
Third person:
Nina leans over Tris' limp body. "Maybe i was wrong..." she says and sits back down. She continues to bandage tris injuries. She already checked her whole body for injuries. Like a miracle Tris has no broken bones. Maybe her ribs are broken but that is not because of the car accident. This injure is a bit older... Nina knows that for sure. But she also knows that Tris could have massiv brain damage, maybe she has blood in her brain. There is no way to find that out out here.

Outside Tobias still sits at the tree. Zeke hasn't said a thing but there is nothing to say, they both know that. Tobias sighs and gets up. "I'll just ask for some antiseptics for my wounds." He says and walks towards the truck. Zeke just nods and keeps sitting there. Tobias knocks on the door of the truck. His face still is wet from tears. Cara opens the door and suddenly Tris screams loudly. Tobias is shocked and stumbles back. Cara slams the door shut but tris' scream go through the door. Tobias shudders and sinks on the ground again. Everyone gathers around the door. Zeke keeps his hand on Tobias shoulder. They listen to Tris screams, no one i moving - they are unable to. Tobias rocks hiself back and forth. Suddenly Nina rips the door open and shouts: "I can't do anymore here! We have to go!" Everyone jumps up. Matthew, Caleb and Uriah sprint to the front. Tobias jumps into the truck as the first one.
Tobias pov:
I get into the truck. Tris head is laying in Ninas lap and Tris still screams and crys. "I don't know what is wrong with her. She was unconcious and then suddenly started screaming." I take Ninas position and take Tris head in my lap. I stroke her hair and kiss her forehead. The screaming gets quieter but she still screams. I slowly move my legs up and down and the screams turn into whimpers. We all put on the saftey belts and then Matthew drives. We drive at least a hundred km/h. I keep the whimpering tris in my lap. When we all got used to the rumbling i slide an arm around her hip and she suddenly starts screaming again. I quickly pull it away. Then she sits up and starts to cough. Blood! She coughs blood! "Nina!" I scream panicked. Nina jumps up and Christina holds a bowl under Tris mouth. She coughs more and more blood. The metalic smell of blood fills the truck. Nins just rubs her back and rolls her on the side on the floor of the truck. "Why aren't you doing anything?" I shout. I feel so helpless. I press my palms into my eyes again and when i look again Nina is giving me a worried look and i stop in dead in my tracks. "What- What is wrong with her?" I stutter and kneel on the floor next to Tris. "Tobias, if someone coughs blood it means that the lungs are injured and that blood is in them." She bites her lips. "Do we have an oxigenmask?" Nina asks and everyone starts to search. Uriah finds one. We turn it on and place it on Tris face. Nina lays Tris on the side and places the bowl under her mouth. I sit behind Tris and stroke her hair. She coughs again. Suddenly Nina says: "Eat something! All of you! Now!" "Why?" Zeke asks but still bites into a chocolat bar that Shauna gave him. "She will need blood and everyone who wants to can let me take some of his and then we'll check whether it'll help her later. I can't check it now but we have time to take the blood now." Everyone digs for food and i get handed a sandwich. Matthew, Uriah and Caleb heard everything and reach for something to eat as well.
When everyone ate Nina starts. Cara helps her. She takes a bit blood from all of us. I am the last one. She pricks me with the syringe and takes some of my blood. She writes my name on it and lays it with the others.

We all eventually fall asleep. Tris is still leaning against me. Just when i drift of to sleep Tris suddenly starts screaming again. I shoot up and hit my head hard on the bench above me. Everyone looks at tris again. She starts to cough blood again and Nina shortly lays her on her back and feels her stomach. A worried expression flashes Ninas face and my heart crunshes. "What?" I ask, my voice cracking. "Her stomach is hard but there is nothing we can do..." "Hey! I found a heart rate gauge!" Will shouts and holds up a small armband. "Amazing, give it here. Does someone has a phone?" Nina asks and in the next second has seven phones in the face. "One is enough..." she takes mine and conects the band with my phone. Then we can see tris heart beat on the phone screen. Nina looks at it worried.

For the next houres the only thing that makes a sound in the truck is the phone with the constant peeping ob Tris heart. She sometimes still screams and coughs more blood. I can't help her. I can't do anything.

Matthew just announced that we'll be arriving in about fifteen minutes and that a crew of the best surgeons wait for us. Just after he announced the phone starts beeping like crazy. "No! Don't give up now tris! Don't give up!" Nina says and throws the phone aside. She starts to do a cardial pressure massage. "Come on tris! Come on!" She mumbles and keeps doing it. Matthew drives even faster. After about five minutes Nina can't go on and i continue the massage. You can't die tris! Not now! I am not ready to live without you. Don't do this to me. My tears fall onto her limp body while i keep pressing on her chest. Come on, you are a fighter! Come on. Time to time i do mouth-to-mouth resuscetation. Nina shows me how to. Come on! I barely notice when we arrive i just keep going. She will survive! She has ro survive! I keep doing the cardial massage while she gets laid on a stretcher. I still do it when they start to roll her away. I still do it when we run through the halls of the bureau. I still do it when we arrive at the hospital. I still do it when they tell me to stop. I still do it when they try to push me away. Only one voice gets through my bubble. Its a man. He is talking completly calm: "Tobias, stop it! She is with us now. We will take care of her. You have to stop." I stop abruptly and nearly collaps. The doctor holds me and sits me on a chair. He is young, maybe 20. Like me. "Start without me." He shouts and kneels infront of me while the wheel Tris away. "No, she has to stay with me!" I scream and try to run after her. Zeke jumps infront of me and stops me. Uriah, Will and Matthew come to help him. They hold me back till i just sink on the floor once again. The young doctor comes over again. "Tobias, do you want to help tris?" I jump up and nod. "How?" He nods and beckons for me to follow him. "All of you, come with me." We all (Cara, Caleb, Matthew, Nina, Zeke, Shauna, Christina, Will, Indie and i) follow him. Nina carries the blood she took from us. The doctor explains on the way: "I will examine your blood now. Tris has the blood group A0, luckily this is a pretty commen one, so hopefully at least one of you will have her blood group." We follow him to a lab. "And while i examine the blood, you all take a shower and put on other clothes. We meet here in half an hour. I am Doctor George West by the way."

Half an hour later we meet again. Doctor George West waits for us infront of the lab. "Ok, i'll talk to you seperatly." We nod and he starts. The first one is caleb, he probably has the same blood group as tris. He comes out with a sheet of paper in his hands and nods. "Got the same." He walks to the left and somewhere else. Like this it goes on. Cara hasn't got the same. Nina hasn't. Uriah has. Zeke has. Shauna hasn't. Christina has. Will hasn't. Marlene hasn't. Matthew hasn't. I am the last one to enter the room. Dr West sits infront of me. "Please sit down tobias." I sit down. "Tobias you have the same blood group. Do you want t-" "Where can i donate my blood?" I interupt him and he smiles slightly. "Go outside, to the left and then turn right and then door number 108, it has a sign on as well." I nod and get up. "Tobias, one more thing." I turn around again. "Yes?" "Well, i already talked to Tris brother about that. Please sit down again." I frown but sit down. "You seem to be pretty close with tris." "I am her fiancé." I confirm. He nods. "Ok, i just got a message from the O.R. tris might need an organ. For example her liver was injured badly during the accident. If you want to you can donate that for her, then you shouldn't donate blood though." I nod and hold out my hand. "I would donate everything for Tris." He smiles and hands me the paper. Then you'll have to go to the right as well, but you please go to room 110." I nod and leave. Since Cara, Matthew, Nina, Shauna, Will and marlene don't have the same blood group they still are infront of the door. When i come out they follow me. Will walks next to me and asks: "And? Can you donate blood?" "Yes, but i won't." All of them stumble and i smile slightly. "What?" Nina asks. "Why not?" Shauna asks. "Because i am donating an organ if she needs one." They all nod in understandment. I walk through door 110 and see Caleb sitting in one of the chairs. "Hey tobias. Can you donate an organ as well?" I just nod and sit next to him.

After an hour they've done an examination of my organs and i could donate all of them.
I walk to the waiting room and wait for Dr West to tell me whether she'll need an organ or not. Caleb soon joins me and the others follow not much later.

And another kind of cliffhanger ;)
Hope you liked it

Jojo ♡

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