Chapter 85

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Third person:
"Okay so what did you plan?" Andrew asks and falls into the armchair. Soph steals quick glances at him. He didn't talk to her the whole day. She wonders why. Luis happily jumps on top of their couch table. Levin and Lucas stand behind him and grin. "We will start with a name list." Everyone groans. "Luis we are all here!" Nathalie intervines but Levin already gave a list to luis. Nathalie sighs and falls back into her chair. "The pedrad families!" Luis announces. Sophie, Mark, Josephine and Jonas raise their hands. "The Eaton family!" Luis raises his hand with a lot of enthusiasm. Andrew and Nathalie both sigh but raise their hands as well slightly less enthusatic. "Prior family!" Levin and Charly raise their hands. Levin smiles proudly and puffs his chest. Andrew smiles a bit in his direction. "And last but not least..." nathalie rolls her eyes. "the turner family!"
A/n Will's and Chris's family
Julia slowly raises her hand while lucas hand shoots up.
Luis throws the paper away and makes a big hand gesture. "Perfect!" He shouts and hops down from the table. Consbiratorial he walks around the chair circle they build with chairs. "We came here..." he starts on like a show master. "to discuss the most epic prank ever." Luis grins evily and levin and lucas grin at eachother as well. "Dear god..." andrew mumbles and hides his face behind his hands. Nath just chuckles together with julia. "As already mentioned we will do it in our holiday together. The three amazing L's already got everything planed out!" Jonas and Andrew exchange glances while Luis, Levin and Lucas roll an enormous black bord into the room. Mark raises his eyebrow and charly starts laughing along with Julia and Nath. The self named three L's wait till everyone is quiet before levin takes the lead. "We all did a lot of pranks till now..." he makes a well placed break. "But this one will make them all look like shit!" Charly jumps up. "Levin! Mum said you are not allowed to curse!" "Yes levin!" Nath helps. "Aunt cara told me to take care that you don't curse so much! So watch your language." She glares at him and levin shrinks back a bit. "Okay okay girls. Calm down." He clears his throat and turns towards the blackboard again. "Lets get back to the more important stuff. We will split into four groups. Three with each three people and one with two. Here we have the groups" he turns the black bord and shows a chart:
Group 1: Andrew, Lucas, Sophie
Group 2: Jonas, Mark, Nathalie
Group 3: Luis, Levin, Charly
Group 4: Julia, Josephine
Charly raises her hand. "Question: Why do i have to be in a group with two idiots?" Everyone grins while Luis and Levin roll their eyes. "Oh shut up." Luis says and grins cockily. "I know you love me." Jose rolls her eyes. "Whatever you annyoing girl..." everyone laughs when Luis looks fake shocked. "I am not a girl!" He clutches his chest but grins. "Okay guys! Should we get this done before mum and dad get back or not?" Andrew complains and rolls his eyes. "I don't have the whole day!" "Okay okay relax mr grumpy pants..." mark says and nudges An with his elbow. An just moves away from mark without another word. Soph looks at her friend worried. I will talk to him later. She decides and trys to concentrate on the little chaots infront of her. In the mean time luis climbed on top of the living room table and starts banging with a metal spoom on a pot. The loud noise stops all the conversations that just started. "Quiet!" Luis shouts. "Although mr grumpy pants is grumpy he is right. We don't have much time. Lets get this done!"

Two hours later everything is sorted out. Sophie gets out of the group of girls and slowly walks over to An who sits next to Jonas and Mark who started talking. An just stares into thin air. She slowly aproaches the small group. Mark sees his sister before jonas or an do and quickly hold her back by her arm. "What are you doing?" He hisses and looks over to an who still hasn't noticed her. Soph points to an and ribs her arm out of marks grib. "I just want to talk to him. He just ignored me the whole day and i want to ask why." Mark bites his lip. "I don't think that is a good idea..." he says and steps from one foot to the other. "I don't care what you think." Sophie spits and shoves him out of the way.
She walks over to an and pokes his shoulder. "Hey An. Whats up?" she asks and trys to sound cheerfull. He glances up at her and forst his eyes are full of pain before he jumps up and looks down on her. "What do you want?" He spits at her. She steps a step away from him. "What is the matter with you? I don't recognise you anymore! You ignored me the whole day! Who ever wants to ask what is wrong gets pushed away! What is your problem?" In the end Sophie started screaming and tears gatherd in her chocolat brown eyes. Everyone is watching the two of them by now. An opens his mouth to say something but then just turns around and walks out. He slams the door behind him and everyone hears him letting out a frustrated groan outside before they hear how something gets broken. Nath jumps up and follows her brother outside.
"An." She says calmingly and lays a hand on his shoulder as he walks up the stairs. He shrugs off her hand. "An please come on." He turns around and his normally sparkling blue eyes are cold and stare down at her. "What?" He snaps. Nath cowers back a step and looks at him in disbelive. "Nothing." She mumbles. An just turns around and storms upstairs.

In the living room everyone else just packs their things. Mark puts his rucksack on his shoulder and walks over to soph. He slightly nudges her shoulder. "Lets go." He wraps an arm around her shoulder and softly pulls her with him. Levin, Lucas and Luis already stand in a corner together and started scribbling things on the black board.
Nathalie just came back and started talking to Julia once again.
Jonas stands in a corner and chews on his lip. I have to look after my friend... He pushed everyone away but maybe i he'll let me in. Jonas thinks and then starts walkimg upstairs.
Half way he hears how the door opens and people leave. I guess it were Sophie and Mark. He moves his brown hair out of his eyes and continues his way up.
He finds Ans room pretty fast and knocks. But as ever when he is upset An plays. Jonas slowly opens the door. "An? Are you okay?" He asks while he steps in. Since andrew wears his headphones he doesn't even realise that someone stepped in. Only when Jonas taps his shoulder he jumps a bit and turns around. An slowly takes of his headphones while jonas smiles. "I just wanted to see whether you are okay." An sighs. "I really apreciate that you want to help me but i just want to be alone right now." Jonas sighs but nods. "Okay. But an..." andrew looks at jonas. "Please remember that sophie is just a girl and i know that you really like her - maybe even love her - but your world doesn't stop spinning because she has a boyfriend now." An looks on the floor and again he feels tears behind his eyes. "I know. It just hurts." He presses out and burries his head in his hands. Jonas wraps his arm around his friends shoulder. "I know buddy."
What both of the boys don't know is that sophie stands on the other side of the door and heard every word...

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