Chapter 66

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Tris pov:
I wake up and smile. I look at the shirtless man next to me. My man. My tobias. I grin even wider. I amdire the ring on my finger. Then i decide to wake up toby a nice way. We both have the rest of the week of and we planed to stay at the ex-amity compound. He rent us a room there. Its going to be amazing. I slowly trace my finger down his back. Over the factions. My finger stops at the abnegation symbol and i trace the outer lines of it. Suddenly in one movement i am under Tobias and he presses his lips to mine. I giggle and kiss him back. After a bit of kissing he releases me again. "Good morning to you." I say and smile. "Good morning mrs eaton." I huge grin settles on my face and i kiss him again. We kiss for a while and then make breakfast together.
After that we start packing our things. We take one big suit case and throw all the stuff we need in there.
When we finished the suit case is completly full. I try and fail to close it. "Tobias..." i whine. He comes into the room and starts laughing. I am laying  flat on the suit case and my sleeve sticks in the zipper. I stick my tounge out at him and he laughs even more. "What exactly are you doing there tris?" He asks and i roll my eyes. "What does it look like? I am trying to close that stupid suit case." He shakes his head still grinning. "You are unbelievable." I flip my hair, "thanks." "Ok, just sit on the suit case and then i'll close it." I do as he told me and sit down on top. He takes the zipper and slowly zips the suit case close. When he is done i jump up and run into the kitchen. "You have to carry it!" I shout and he laughs and follows me pulling the suit case behind him. "Like you would have carried it if i secreamed 'you have to carry it'." At the last part he makes a really high voice - mimicking me. I playfully punch his arm. "I don't sound like that!" "Yes you do eaton!" He grins. "Watch your back eaton!" I respond and he grins wider. Then he lays his arms around my hips and pulls me towards him. I look into his stormy blue eyes and slowly lean forward.

"Come on Tobias! Not so slow!" I tease him. He rolls his eyes and keeps pulling the suit case up the pebble path. I walk infront of him and reach the reception before him. I click the small bell and a quiet 'ding' comes from it. Then an old lady with grey-white hair and a long colourfull dress steps out behind the curtains. "Hello dear. What is your request?" I smile as well. "Me and my husband booked a two people room. Next to the orchyard i think." She nods and turns the computer on. "Your names sweetheart?" "Tobias and Tris Eaton." Tobias steps next to me and takes my hand. I smile up at him. "Yes, here we are. Here are your keys. You have to go there and then turn left." I take them and pull Tobias towards the direction she showed us. He laughs and pulls the suit case with him. "Why did we take so many things again?" I shrug. "Your things are just so big..." He rolls his eyes. "But for an ex-dauntless soldier like you, this should be nothing." He laughs a bit and then we already arrive at our room. I unlock it and step in first. Its nice. We have a duble bed, a closet, a window. A small but perfect room. I giggle and jump on the bed. I lay on it flat. Tobias kicks the door shut and jumps next to me. I scoot over to him and lay my head on his chest. He puts two fingers under my chin and slowly pushes it up. Then he fits his lips to mine. I roll over so i am laying on top of him and keep kissing him. I don't think we will even go outside today. I grin at the thought and quickly stand up to put the curtains infront of the window. The reddish light now only lights the room partly. He smiles at me and i climb back on the bed and kiss him. After a while i tug at his shirt and he removes it, then he does the same with mine. We lay shirtless on top of eachother when it suddenly knocks. I sigh and pull away. I throw on my shirt and walk over to the door. I open it. Infront is a man. He wears a colourfull shirt with flowers. "Hello." He says and a smile is on his face. "We are going to pick strawberrys in a few minutes, i just wanted to ask whether you would like to join us." I shake my head. "No thanks. We are still exausted from our trip here. Maybe tomorrow." He nods and smiles. "Okay then. Have a good day." I smile as well and then close the door. "What did he want?" Tobias asks. "That we come and pick strawberrys. But i said no, we're going to pick strawberrrys in here..." he laughs and jumps up. "I don't know how but you made strawberry picking sound extremly sexy." I blush a bit and press my palm to his exposed chest. "Oh really?" I whisper. He nods and slowly leans down to kiss me. Just before his lips touch mine i jump away. He groans. "You're such a tease Tris!" I grin and then walk up to him and give him a kiss. Light at first but then harder, more demanding. He picks me up, with his hands under my thighs and carrys me to the bed. I smile into the kiss when he lays me down softly. He is so carefull. I tangle my hand in his short hair when his hands roam over my body. I sigh into the kiss and am not embaressed that he heard me. Not anymore. He smiles and i kiss his neck. He sighs as well and soon our pants are gone too.

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