Chapter Fifteen - Lockhart and Malfoy

Start from the beginning

"Wish I knew what he was up to." Fred said as he frowned. "He's not himself. His exam results came the day before you did; twelve O.WL.s and he hardly gloated at all."

"Ordinary Wizarding Levels." George explained to Harry. "Bill got twelve, too. If we're not careful, we'll have another Head Boy in the family. I don't think I could stand the shame."

"Dunno how Mum and Dad are going to afford all our school stuff this year," said George after a while. "Five sets of Lockhart books! And Ginny needs robes and a wand and everything."

"I could help out." Eliza told them.

All three Weasley's shook their heads at her. "We'll be okay Za." Fred said to her.

"Really, I wouldn't mind."

"We couldn't expect that from you!" The twins said to her.

"You're our friend."

"Exactly, friend's help each other." Eliza told them but decided to drop it as she knew their pride wouldn't let her do it.

The following Wednesday Eliza woke up and changed into a pair of blue jeans and a cream jumper, she then walked over to Ginny's bed. "Wake up Gin, we're going to Diagon Alley today."

The young girl opened her eyes and smiled at Eliza. "Morning." Once she was dressed the two walked downstairs where bacon sandwiches waited.

Once everyone had eat they all gathered around the fire. "You first, Harry dear." Mrs Weasley said as she held out the pot full of floo powder.

"Harry's never travelled by floo powder before, mum." Ron informed his mother.

"Percy. Would you mind going first, so Harry can see how it's done?" Mrs Weasley asked her son.

"Certainly, Mother. Don't worry, Harry. It's simple enough." Percy said as he made his way to the fireplace. He picked up a bit of floo powder and shouted. "Diagon Alley." The fire went up around him and he vanished.

Harry walked nervously over to it and reached into the pot. "Remember to speak clearly, dear!"

"And mind you get out at the right grate!" Ron told him.

"D-Dia-gon Alley!" Harry said as the fire went up around him and he disappeared.

"Did he just -" Fred and George looked around.

"Yes, I believe so." Mrs Weasley said. "Come on you two can go now." Eliza watched as Fred then George vanished too. "Eliza, you can go now." She picked up some floo powder and said calmly "Diagon Alley." She then vanished and ended up next to the twins. They waited as the rest of the Weasley family arrived too.

"Look! There's Harry!" Ron said quickly as he pointed down. He, Fred, George, Percy, Eliza and Mr Weasley all began to sprint towards him.

"Harry." Mr Weasley said as he tried to catch his breath. "We hoped you'd only gone one grate too far. Molly's frantic - she's coming now."

"Where did you come out?" Ron asked.

"Knockturn Alley," said Hagrid.

"Excellent." said Fred and George together.

"We've never been allowed in," said Ron enviously.

"I have." Eliza said but everyone seemed to ignore her.

"I should ruddy well think not." Hagrid told them.

Mrs Weasley ran over to them, her handbag in one hand and Ginny clinging onto the other "Oh, Harry - oh, my dear - you could have been any where -" Gasping for breath she pulled a large clothes brush out of her bag and began sweeping off the soot Hagrid hadn't managed to beat away.

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