He growled. "Hey, I might be your cousin, but I'm still you Alpha. You need to respect me." He told me seriously.

"Yea, whatever you say, little cousin." I walked out shutting the door behind me.

"It only a month." I heard him yell after me.


"So you're really leaving?" My cousin Lily asked as she tried to hide her tears.

"Lil stop crying." I hugged her and rubbed her back to calm her down.

"I know I steal your clothes, but do you really have to leave because of me." I laughed.

I pulled back as I shook my head. "No, that's not the reason at all."

"Then what's wrong, why are you leaving? Summer is up in a few weeks and we were supposed to spend it together."

I placed my folded clothes in my suitcase and zipped it up. "Lily I don't think you'll understand."

"I, not a baby, I'm 15 and a half for crying out loud." she snapped.

"You are crying out loud." I joked earning a glare from her.

"This is not funny."

"I know and I'm sorry. It just that, since my parents died... I've been here my whole life... I don't know how to explain it."

"Try. Why are you trying to leave me?" She whined.

"Have you ever felt like your missing something? I mean look at me, I've done nothing with my life. I'm 23. Never been in any serious relationship, didn't go to college. All I do is just sit around and mess with you and Ryan all day. I'm a total loser." I tried my best to explained to her.

"Of course not. Ryan is the loser." She told me making me laugh.

"No, I'm am. And I feel like if I leave. I can find some type of purpose or something to just do with my life and not just sit around here all day. Plus, I want to try and experience different things. I sorry if you can't understand."

She shrugged, "I kind of get it. I still don't get why you're leaving but if it going to make you a better person that I will support you on that."

"Just know that I love all you guys and I will be back, soon."

She laid down on my bed. "Who's going to give me advice, and fashion tips?"

"You can call me anytime."

"Promise to answer. Even if I call like 30 times a day. "She said as if it was a joke but I was sure she meant every word of it.

"Promise." I held out my pinky finger, she took it and locked it around hers. "Now can we get to this stupid party your mother plan?"

"Ugg it going to suck can we just not go and say we did."

"I wish, but I promise Ryan."



"Shift." My wolf whined in my mind.

It had been about a week since I left North Dakota and I had just entered the state of Wyoming and I was on my way to Las Vegas, Nevada. I would have already been there if I didn't have to take the long way so that I wouldn't go near any of my pack's enemies. Now with my wolf wanting to shift it would push me back a couple of hours and forced me to meet with an Alpha that owned this territory.

"A few more hours." I reasoned. My wolf was very pushy if things didn't go her way she would in response do whatever she could to bother me.

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