All I Want is You | Jungkook

Start from the beginning

I nodded and he smiled,before leaned closer to kiss me.Then,we enjoyed the dinner together happily.


I woke up and felt something wrapped around my waist.It's Jungkook's arm.I smiled to that and turned to see his full sleeping face.

My hand caressed his cheek gently, they will kill him tonight...

I'm about to cry thinking about that,then Jungkook slowly open his eyes.His other free hand slowly caressed my hand on his cheek.

"Good morning,jagiya" He said and pulled me closer.I snuggle into his chest."Morning,kookie." I hugged him tight."Ppalli get ready.Or you will late to your office."

"Andwae..I wanna stay here a bit longer with my cute pumpkin.They won't mad at me.Trust me,they won't mad at the greatest spy in Korea!"
He proudly said.I smiled bitterly.

"Jungkook-ah! Lemme goo~I will get late to my office.I'm just an ordinary office girl,remember?My boss will freak me out!! Lemme gooo~"

I struggled to escape myself from his tight embrace."Hahaha,arasso arasso.Go get ready!" He said as he gave me a peck on my lips.I smiled sweetly and immediately dragged myself into the bathroom.


"(Y/n)-ssi,don't you feel excited about tonight?!" Taehyung nudged my shoulder.I shrugged and kept my poker face on."Excited?Killing someone could it be excited?! I don't know Taehyung,I just...don't know!" I mumbled and ruffled my hair."Hey,what's wrong?!" He concernly asked.
I shook my head slowly and get up,exiting my office and straight to the restroom to wash my face,keeping mysef calm.


It's 7:43 p.m.I'm just sitting here at the living room watching some random movies.I have to wait Jungkook to go to the club first.So,he won't get suspicious or something.

Then,Jungkook exit from our shared room with his casual outfit on.He looked charm as usual.I got up from the couch and walked to him.Fixing his tie and and coat.He looked at me and smiled sweetly.Our eyes met for a while.My arms snaked around him and hugged him as tight as posibble.

"I love you,Jungkook!" I muttered in his warm embrace.He titled my head and lead me into a long passionate kiss.

"I love you too.More than anything,remember that!" He said as he pulled away.I nodded and hugged him once again. "I should go now." He exclaimed.I pulled away and caressed his cheek.He gave me one last smile and head to the door.Opening the door and off him to the club.

I rush into our shared bedroom and immediately changed into my black short lacy dress and black heels.Grabbing my purse and put my phone and keys inside it-also my gun.

Getting myself into the car and off to the club.


"How is it going so far?" I asked Taehyung.We were sitting at the counter,and I can see Jungkook from here.He's talking to a guy.He's probably the one who helped them in this case.

"They were just talking ever since they got here.Nothing much.Probably discussed about the big plan." Taehyung explained as he gulped down the tequilla.

My heart startled as I saw Jungkook and his couple of man got up and head upstairs to the second floor.

"Tae,they're going somewhere upstairs.I'm gonna follow them.Stay here and cover me,okay?" I explained and grabbed my purse " careful!" He said.I nodded and followed their traces from behind quietly.Not wanting to expose my identity.

I arrived at the second floor.Slowly grabbing the gun from my purse and gripped it tight.Walked slowly so my heels won't be heard as I continued my steps.

"Stop right there! I know you're from Bangtan Agency.Just stop right there and hands up!" I heard a voice and the cock from another gun being pulled behind me.I know that voice..

It's Jungkook..

My heart fluttered and my palm started shaking.I'm busted.

"I repeat,turn around and hands up before I let my damn bullet go through your damn heart!!" He raised his voice.

He..he never raised his voice to me before.This is not the Jungkook I know.My Jungkook is the one with the soft heart,never raised his voice to me and always make me comfortable around him.

This is not Jungkook..

"TURN AROUND BEFORE I SHOOT YOU FOR REAL!!" He finally yelled,make me jumped a bit and tears already streamed on my face.

He wanted to kill me.How could he.That time,I gave up.I turned around and immediately lift my arm and pointed the gun at him as he did the same to me.

"Wh-what? (Y/n)??!" He shocked.I sobbed-the atmosphere filled with silence and my sobs.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!! Before this you're from Bangtan?! FOR THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME?!!!" He shouted. Tears on my face were unstoppable.

"You-you're lying to me.YOU'RE A LIAR!!" He yelled once again.

Before I could say a word,he threw his gun on the floor and walked towards me,grabbing the gun in my grip and threw it on the floor,joined his gun.

He pushed me to the wall and pinned me on it,smashing his lips against mine,kissing me full with passion.My body stiff and kissed him back.He pulled away after a while and rested his forehead on mine.

He wiped my tears.."I don't care who you are and what's your identity,all I want is you (y/n).I love you.I can't throw you away from my life.You're my life,my heart,my everything.I love you (y/n)."

He whispered."I love you too,Jungkook.I love you." I replied.He smiled warmly and smashed his lips against mine one more time,with my arms around his neck-pulling him closer and his arms around my waist,hugging it tight not wanting to let me go.

♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡♤♡ was it?
* wiggle eyebrows *

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