"Uh... so groceries." We laughed as I pointed towards the front door.

"You still have to explain." he said putting our plates in the sink.

"Not now." I said, "It's a long story. We're getting the food in ten minutes." I added as I left the kitchen to get ready.

I got cleaned up and threw on a shirt, some soccer pants and trainers. I had nothing important planned so it was fine. I looked at my contact lenses and frowned. It was just so much work... I shook my head grabbing my glasses before I walked out of my room as Jordan did and we looked at each other. I took note that he was dressed just as laid back as I was.

"We're going to the Riverside mall."

"No." I laughed.

"Why?" his brows rose, "I'm driving." he added grabbing his car keys as we got downstairs.

"Just... not in the mood for that place." Truth was, that was the mall Sergio and I were banned from. The fact that we trashed the place could not be excused. I couldn't step into it...

"You keep getting weirder." he muttered. I punched his back and grabbed his keys while he laughed.

I shook my head getting into the driver's seat of his car, he looked at me and sighed before he climbed while I laughed before I drove us to a different mall.

"Do you have a list?" I asked.

"Yeah, sent it to you now." I pulled my phone out. "I'll see you in a few, I need to get some supplies." I nodded. Jordan was an art student so he needed some materials.

We split up and I headed towards the grocery store but I got side tracked by an electronics store and walked into it instead. I began going around the store playing with anything that was on and that I found interesting.

"So, groceries, huh?" I looked at Jordan and shrugged as I messed with the little robot I had been focused on. "Anyway, some guy was packing this out –"

"Oh my God!" I grabbed the headphones from him, "Finally." he laughed.

I had been looking for these specific headphones for a while and I couldn't get a hold of them.

"Guess it's a good thing we didn't go to Riverside." I looked at the bag in Jordan's hand and realised I had been in the electronics store way longer than I thought I had.

"We should get the groceries – but I'm getting this first." I said looking back at the headphones in my hands.

"No, we have all day. Seriously. Plus I think I saw Uncharted, I wanna test it." I chuckled agreeing as he walked off towards the gaming section. I ran through a few more shelves.

"What a coincidence. I guess this is just fate." I frowned looking up.

"No, that's a phone." James looked at his phone confused and I just turned to keep looking through products. Fate is an old PC game. I didn't care if he didn't know that.

"You've gotten really into that law thing, haven't you?" He followed me down the aisle.

"What do you want, James? Are you following me?" I asked shooting him a look. I looked over the shelf and could barely spot Jordan on the other side of the store playing on the X-Box with a young teenager.

"I might be..."

"That's not hot, it's creepy." He laughed.

"You know exactly what I want, Alex." He said leaning against the shelf and smirking at me.

"Right. Well, I'm not going out with you." I said walking down the aisle. I think it's time Jordan and I got those groceries we came here for.

"Why not? As I recall, the first time you were very excited." He said.

The Lord's Favourite Dealer (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now