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As I came to the next morning I felt like complete shit. My jaw is aching and my stomach is killing me. I didn't want to get out of bed at all. I turned my head and saw it's only 5:16am. I don't have to be up for school till 6. Groaning I pulled the still cold ice off my face and stomach and put it on the floor. Both ice packs are still cold and I don't know how that's possible. They have been on all night; they should have been reduced to room temperature water by now.

Sighing I pushed myself up in bed and looked around the room. It took my eyes a few seconds to recover from the darkness but then I saw it. In the corner of my room, sitting in a very uncomfortable chair is my mother. I sat in total shock for a few minutes, what is she doing in here? She should be asleep in her own room down the hall.

"Mom" I said.

My mother didn't moved and I sighed. I moved closer to the end of my bed and and called out again. "Mom" I said a bit louder. This time she heard me and sat right up. Mom rubbed her eyes and looked over at me.

"What's wrong Jenna, are you okay, does something hurt?" Mom asked and got out of the chair and walked over to me

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"What's wrong Jenna, are you okay, does something hurt?" Mom asked and got out of the chair and walked over to me.

"I'm fine, what are you doing in here?" I asked.

Mom looked out of it still, I don't think she is fully awake to answer such a meaningful question. It took her a couple of seconds to get it and then she looked at me.

"I was here to make sure you were okay, and to change the ice packs so you wouldn't have too much swelling on your face. The last thing I want tomorrow is the school to call and ask what happened; I don't even know what happened. I also wanted to make sure that you didn't slip into a coma, I don't know if you hit your head." Mom said her nurse side coming out of her.

"Well I'm fine" I said and slipped off the bed and put my feet on the ground. I wanted to get up and go to the bathroom but once my weight was on my feet, my legs almost gave out because of the pain that shot through my body.

Mom was there though; she caught me before I could fall. She held onto me as I regained my balance and breathed through the pain. After a minute the pain finally went down and I let go of my moms arm. But even though I let go of her, she didn't want to let go of me. She followed right behind me as I walked my way to the bathroom that it down the hall. She almost followed right in behind me but I put my hand on her chest when she tried to walk in stopping her. She got the message and left me alone.

Once I was alone I sighed and rubbed my temple. For a few seconds I didn't want to look in the mirror. I still have to go to school in an hour and I don't really want to look like complete shit. I flipped on the light switch and it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the light. But once they did, I wish I kept the light off. My face is all bruised and it looks like I got into a fight and lost. Sighing, I lifted my shirt up and looked at my stomach. Once toned and tanned now looks bruised, dark purples and pinks in the place were I was punched. That's going to last for a few weeks.

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