"Wait...." I looked down mortified and covered myself. 

Shit, shit, double shit! Fuck really! Today was just not my day...

  "Okaay... well thank you...."


"Cameron, thank you for the shirt. It was nice to run into you... literally. But I really need to go Mr. Freed is getting agitated... So uh bye!" I said awkwardly and walked away

"See you later Lace!" He smiled

I just made a face and snuck into the class, gave Lana the signal and she slapped her forehead. What the fuck was that for?! She's so weird that girl!

"Oh is it that?" 

"Oh my gosh Mr. nevermind. This took waaay longer than I expected. Forget it..... Can we take the final now?" She said sounding aggravated

He gave her this face and ushered everyone inside and slammed the door. I sulked in my seat and gave Lana a huge hug. 

"Where's my coffee? And where'd you get that shirt? It's hella big on you." 

"Oh that's a long story... I'll tell you when we get out." I sighed

3 hours later

"Finally!!! We are free." Lana shouted as soon as we walked out the doors

"Shhhh! Gosh!" I laughed

"Hey Lace!" 

I turned around and saw Cameron smiling at me with a muscle shirt on.

"Hey you! You got a new shirt." I smiled

"Yeah, mine looks good on you." He smiled

"I know right!" I smirked 

"Why'd you stop?! Oh!" Lana stopped

I turned to look at her and she's standing with her mouth hanging open, and her eyes wide open.

"Lana, you don't wanna fly to get in your trap do you?" I laughed 

She slapped her mouth shut and blinked rapidly

"Uh..... Y/N. I'll wait in the car." She stammered and practically ran out of the school

Hm... I wonder what her deal is... I shrugged my shoulders and turn back towards Cameron to see him staring back at Lana.

"You okay??" I asked

Cameron blinked a couple times and then smiled down at me. Weird. 

"Uh, well I need to, uh, go. I'll see you around. Bye Lace." He smiled and then looked back up towards where Lana was. Looked down at me again and walked away. 

What the fuck is happening?! Oh Lana, you got some explaining to do.

I walked to my car with determination and Lana's eyes widened when she saw my face.

"What the fuck is up with you two?! Do you know each other or something?!" 

"Uh- I- Uh- You... Ah hell!" Lana sighed in defeat

"Explain. Now. And you better not bullshit me Lana because I haven't had coffee, or fucking breakfast." I glared

"How about we go get some food, and I'll explain then... yeah?" She smiled innocently 

I grumbled but agreed. We got in my car and I drove us to Chipotle. 

"Now what's going on, cause it was totally weird the way you both acted." I said after biting into my forkful of rice, lettuce, sour cream, and chicken.

Cameron Monaghan ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ