"You can't go into a restaurant with that." I said.

"I can if I own it." He replied. I shook my head. He actually had a legitimate business? Well, that's one way to use the money he made off of the illegal stuff.

"I'm fine with anything as long as it's food." I gave him a smile as I took his hand. He looked down and grinned at our hands.

We walked for a while trying to talk about anything but what he did for a living. It was fun, actually. He kept joking around, it was so new. I learnt that when he disappeared with Clyde a few weeks ago, they were 'taking a break' and having a meeting with someone out of town, in Miami. That explained why he was more tanned when he came back.

We eventually got to the restaurant, it was big. I wasn't surprised when a couple of waiters walked up to us greeting us followed by the manager. It seemed Sergio got the same treatment whether he was in a warehouse or this place. I looked at our hands as Sergio pulled me through the restaurant before we got to a table in the corner.

He pulled out a chair and looked at me expectantly. I frowned staring at the chair.

"What? Let me!" I chuckled as I sat down and he leaned over from behind me and kissed my cheek. I grinned as he pulled his seat closer to mine and sat down.

We ordered some food before we sat talking about random things as we ate. We also exchanged stories about our families and our childhoods, pretty much avoiding anything sad.

"What's with the interior design?" I asked.

"I just like creating spaces... I don't know, it's relaxing." he shrugged pushing around some of his pasta with his fork.

"You seem pretty great at it." He gave me a small smile before he ate.

"I'll fix up your firm one day." I chuckled agreeing, "Why study law anyway?"

"My father. I was just really interested in what he did when he disappeared into his office. I hung out in there when my parents' were away. I found his cases interesting, I doubt I was allowed to read them but no one knew I had so it was fine." I said.


"They travelled a lot. I usually saw them about twice every month on weekends, sometimes one of them would drop in during the week – not often. I missed them but they called every day, and the weekends we spent at the lake house were great. It was our time; they would cut off all their business for a couple of days, turn off their phones and everything." I smiled at the memories before I brushed it all away as I felt myself beginning to get too into how much I missed them. "So when was the last time you went out with someone?" I asked curiously.

"Out?" he asked smirking, just letting me change the subject.

"On a date." I laughed.

He chuckled looking down at his food.

"Well... uh..."

I raised my brows. "Wait. No. You've never actually been on a formal date?" I asked. "What do you do? Just meet people and hook up?"

"Pffft. Please, I've been on tons of dates." He rolled his eyes. "Though, I do meet people and hook up quite a lot..."

"Sergio, you talking about business with a girl on your lap does not count as a date – and neither does a walk in a park while you discuss business." I tried to hold back my laughter as his face dropped and he nodded mumbling an 'oh'.

"Well... okay... I've been on a few then." He shrugged.

"Really? Tell me about one." I said raising my brows.

The Lord's Favourite Dealer (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now