"I remember you used to wear those! You looked nice! You'd even wear them at the parties." I refreshed. "Remember you came to Liam's party in that blazer? Everyone laughed and you still kept it on." I threw my head back laughing when he scrunched his face in embarrassment.

"Don't remind me!" He begged.

"So what happened? Why did you get all those tattoos?"

"For change." He simply answered.

"Did he tell you about how and why he got all those pathetic tattoo's and holes in his face? Ask him. If he says "for change" he's lying to you." Liam voice re played in my head. How did he know he was going to say that? Maybe it's just a coincidence.

"What kind of change?"

"I didn't like my style, and when I went back home after my dad died I just surrounded myself with the wrong people, you know? I did a lot of bad shit and I guess I liked the idea of being a bad guy. I was always known as the 'sweet and charming' guy that 'everyone loves!' and I got so fucking sick of it!" He said raising his voice."Sorry, I don't mean to curse so much it's a bad habbit." He apologized.

"No, it's fine."

"This was my first tattoo." He lifted his sleeve and stretched his arm, showing me a star below his bicep.

"Is there a meaning behind it?"

"No, I just thought it was cool."

"Can I touch it?" I asked shyly.

"Go ahead." He smiled. I leaned over and traced the ink with my finger tip. I got carried away and began to trace the rest of his arm. The tracing turn to full on touching with my hand and I was so fascinated with them. He didn't pull away and he allowed to examine all the ink on his skin.

"The ship, what's the ship for?" I asked slowly tracing it.

"My dad was a sailor." His voice was low and subtle, "He used to take me with him at sea on weekends. I got it when he died."

"I really like it, it's beautiful."

"Thank you."

"And this?" I turned his arm slightly, exposing the big rose a little more.

"Oh, that's for Amilia." He smiled touching it as I did. "She loves roses, and she reminds me of them; beautiful and full of life." The thoughtful words almost brought tears to my eyes, and it seemed as though it almost did for him aswell.

Despite the cold weather, I felt warm beside him. It didn't effect either of us as we continued to talk. He explained all his tattoo's to me; all sixty seven of them, including his swallows.

"How about that butterfly?" I lightly poked his stomach pointing to it.

"How'd you see that?" He surprisingly asked looking to see if it was noticeable through his shirt.

"Your shirt is kinda see through.."

"Oh, my mom likes butterflies so I got it for her. I kinda regret it cause it's so big and I got it in the worse place possible, I wish I would've got it on my arm or something instead of on my stomach like a dumbass." I laughed along with him and shook his head.

"And your piercings?"

"I just like piercings, I want another one."

"Really? Where?"

"My tongue." He said trying not to smile.

"Oh God Harry, no!"

"Why not!"

Pain: Her (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu