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Beyond the door
There's peace, I'm sure
And I know there'll be no more
Tears in heaven

One second could change all our lives. The father would die, Scott and I wouldn't be harmed and Avi would finally be free. I forgot how to breathe, watching the two tall men facing one another with such intense features on their faces it scared me to the core. Scott's hands around the rifle shook, his lips trembled but the look in his eyes never changed. Hate and certainty. The certainty that he would fulfill what he had to do. The father eyed first him, then the rifle, smirked and crossed his arms over his chest confidentially.
Didn't he care that he could die any second?
With a heart beating a million times per second, impossible but that's how I felt, I slowly stood up and tried not to fall again due to my wobbly legs and the sickening feeling in my stomach.

"You found your way in, I see."

Neither a scream nor a growl, but a whisper so low shivers went down my spine. The father had the ability to lure you in and I feared that was what happened with Avi. There was just no way to escape his disgusting charm.

"Leave Avi alone!"

I stared between the man and my best friend who had replied, hissing through gritted teeth. The grip around the rifle tightened but he didn't shoot. What was he waiting for?

"No need to apply that tone with me young boy. I haven't harmed you in any way so show some respect."

I was suprised how calm Avi's father was. He didn't snap back, he didn't raise his hands, he kept his posture and acted as if we were checking in in his hotel, to stay for a while and he wanted to calm us down because our flight was delayed. But we had no intention to stay longer than needed.

"Respect?! You treat your own son as if he's nothing more than a piece of trash and you want our respect?!"

Scott would never talk to him like that unless he had the power on his side, and right now it was the rifle. This was the father's domain, he knew every room, every closet, every entrance and every exit. If he outsmarted us we wouldn't leave this house ever again but with Scott holding the rifle we weren't going anywhere anytime soon. So we thought.

"My own son... Perhaps you forgot how to read between the lines.."

He kept looking at my blonde friend but walked towards me, coming unbelievably close to my face, the fire in his eyes clearly visible.

"...but this kid didn't. You know something, don't you?"

I could've punched him in the face but there were invisible shackles around my limbs I couldn't move. How did he know? And what did I know? He caught my distress and retreated, leaning against the wall, hands in his pockets.

"Mitch? What does he mean?"

Scott's whisper didn't have the same effect on me as the father's. It didn't put me in a trance or cut my oxygen which desperately tried to reach my lungs. It was soothing and caring. Shrugging my shoulders I showed that I had no information and saw in the corner of my eyes how Scott lowered the rifle but kept it between his hands.

"You both have no clue what you've gotten yourselves into. Right? You have no idea what Avi did to me and why he deserves death more than anyone else? You can't picture why he was my personal boxing bag and sex toy all in one? And do you know why you don't? Because I muted him and his mind so no one would come and get him away from me. No one and that includes you!"

With that he grabbed the collar of my and Scott's shirt and dragged us out of the bathroom and downstairs towards the basement. He had the force of a thousand bulls and it made me realize why Avi never thought of escaping him.
Scott was equally as scared as me, loaded the rifle and pointed it towards the father's temple, waiting for my agreement.
Although I never wished death upon anyone, and although I was here to save someone from dying there was nothing in me which screamed don't kill this man, he has a good soul. This person was far from good, he had harmed all kinds of people and especially the one I loved.

Why should we have mercy with him?

Why should he keep on living?

It was time to set him free for once and for all.

I nodded and gave Scott my permission to shoot him and when he pulled the trigger and no noise but the man's laughter emerged I knew:

We were dead.

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