Reservations for Tomlinson

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"Wow," I mumble as I walk through the entrance with Louis at my side with his hand resting on my lower back, I take in every feature of the exquisite restaurant.

The walls are tall and lined with a pristine white wallpaper with subtle floral designs. The flickering candlelight gives the restaurant a warm, comforting feel.

"Reservations for Tomlinson." Johanna kindly tells the greeter standing behind a small desk with a computer. She scrolls down and clicks on something.

"Ah yes, party of four. Right this way." She motions us to follow her with a nonchalant attitude.

As we walk our way through the restaurant, around the tables, I can feel stares burning into the back of my head. I notice a couple of pointers, people definitely recognize us. I just bite my lip and continue walking. It doesn't seem to bother Louis.

"Here you are." We finally reach our private spot in the back, with only a few people surrounding us. "Your menus are right on the table, and your waitress will be here soon to help you order." We all smile and say our thank you's, and she leaves.

"So Louis, here's the big question, how did you and Piper meet?" Dan asks setting his menu back on the table, and folding his arms across his chest.

I'm actually kind of interested to hear his response, so I close my menu and peer over to him beside me.

"Well I tweeted about a month or so back, and I decided to scroll through the responses, and I noticed what she tweeted. She was saying something about a bad day, so I decided to tweet back, and later we sorta had a weird coincidence meet up again because of twitter. She was at a concert of mine."

That's one way of putting it.

"Mhm." Johanna smiles. "Piper, do you have a job at the moment?"

"I do, actually. I work at a small cafe."

"Are you going to college, and if so what are you studying?" Dan asks.

"I am, and I'm actually studying to be a nurse." I awkwardly answer.

Johanna rests a hand over my own, "Welcome to the family,"

They ask Louis and me a couple more questions before our waiter appears at our table.

"Hello, are you ready to order?" He asks kindly, with a smile. Two dimples cave deep into his cheeks. His light brown hair stands up in a perfect quiff.

Johanna and Dan answer first, they must be familiar with the menu. Louis orders after them, and I scramble to pick out what I would like since I was too busy talking and answering question to check the menu.

As soon as Louis finishes ordering he trains his sky blue eyes on me. His tanned skin practically glows.

"What can I get for you, babe?"

I order fast, and the waiter leaves.

The four of us go on and continue to talk until our food is brought out. Luckily the awkwardness began to fade.

Eventually our food is brought out on neat platters. All the food is steamy and fresh and my stomach is grumbling. All I want to do is pig out and stuff food in my mouth, but I try to eat as ladylike as I can, making sure my elbows never sneak up onto the table.

Throughout the meal I hear distant thunderclaps and rain patters from outside but I never really think much about it.

At the very end of the meal, 3 waiters appear at the table with a rectangular cake, overlayed with blunt grey fondant, topped with a huge pastel pink bow just like the bows on presents with many loops. Near the lefthand side, two red sugar hearts lie beside the bow. My eyes scan the cake in awe.

"Aw, Louis," I lean close to him and delicately kiss his jawline.

Suddenly the waiters burst into song. I bit my lip as they awkwardly begin to sing happy birthday.

I slowly pull the fork out of my mouth savoring the rich, creamy flavour of the fudgy chocolate cake.

After we finished the delicious cake, we boxed up our meals and Louis' parents pay, then we slowly merged our way through the restaurant and made it outside and into the light rain. Before we step out into the patters, Louis hands me his blazer. I politely take it with a smile and sling it over my shoulders. The material falls to my mid-thigh, and the end of the sleeves cover my fingertips. Louis and I exchange quick glances before erupting in laughter.


Update whoo!

Sorry this chapter is absolute crap... l0l
Okay sorry it's been a while for the update, i will work out the update thing SOON, don't worry, I haven't forgotten.

I have another chapter to post, sorry they are so short!



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