Lovely, isn't she?

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"What?!" my voice begins to raise. "You never told me that we were going to visit you family... Louis..."

"Everything will go perfectly fine...Trust me."

I purse my lips for a moments, then sigh deeply. I stare down at the tweet on my phone, '@JohannaDarling: Can't wait to meet the gorgeous birthday girl @pippyyylaneeee today!

"All right, I trust you, Louis... I- I'm just really nervous." I fiddle with my thumbs, and begin to chip off the bright pink nail polish on them.

"She's dying to meet you... She's been talking about it all week."

What if I don't meet Johanna's standards?

Louis turns off the car and tears himself out of his seat. He walks around the car and opens my door up.

I shudder as I step out one foot after the other out of the car and into the freezing rain pellets. Louis finds a spot right next to me and opens his jacket and pulls it over my head to protect me from the downpour. I giggle slightly, forgetting the fate ahead of me. As we near the front door of Louis' childhood home my heart completely stops. Once we are under the porch and out of the rain, I pull myself away from Louis for a moment and fix my messy hair, running my fingertips through the kinky waves. After I finish frantically 'unknotting' my hair, Louis runs his icy hand down my arm and laces his thin fingers with mine. I let out a deep sigh and he squeezes my hand with reassurance.

"MOM, ITS LOUIS AND PIPPY" I hear a scream from what I'm assuming to be one of the twins.

Suddenly I hear the locks unlock, and the creak of the door as it unhinges. I take a deep breath before the door swings open, revealing a teary eyed Johanna Tomlinson.

"Oh, baby," Johanna leans down and cups Louis face and gives him a kiss on the cheek. He never looses his grasp on my hand. A tear runs down Johanna's face and she quickly wipes it away.

"Pippy, oh its so great to finally meet you," she leans in for a warm, cozy hug, and I hesitantly hug her back. It feels as if a huge weight has just been lifted off my shoulder, though the nerves are still present.

"Come in. Come in," Johanna motions us in and I take in the view of the house. Its weird to believe that Louis grew up here. Pictures of him as a child are on the walls at random. I can't help but let my eyes dance across the furniture and décor, its a weird habit of mine. Louis leaves my side to shut the door behind me and I feel almost bare and exposed.

"Why don't you take a seat, love." She leads me to a small love seat, and I sit awkwardly with my legs pressed together and my feet (sadly) not touching the floor because the seat goes back so far. "It's time we get familiar with each other isn't it." She smile and I can make the resemblance between Johanna and Louis crystal clear.

Luckily, Louis sits beside me and rest his arm on the couch behind my back, which makes me feel more comfortable.

I give a shy chuckle and a smile.

Please cover for me Louis I'm not good at this.

"Your a very pretty girl, where did you grow up Piper?" She asks with a smile.

"Um, grew up in Brighton actually."

"Ah, Brighton is very lovely. I used to take trips with my girlfriends down to Brighton and we would always camp out at the beach. There are some really lovely people down there."

I nod my head.

"Would you care for some tea babe?" Johanna asks.

"I would love some." I smile politely.

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