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The boys come prancing out onto the stage before I can even think of doing anything. Screams erupt from all around me. I am stiff, almost paralyzed from the heat of the moment. "Helllooooo," each of them call out to the massive crowd in front of them. I loose my train of thought until Harry calls out, "How is everyone doing tonight?" Answers come screaming from every direction.

Niall makes me laugh, he's wearing a 'Crazy Mofos' tee. Harry and Louis are in all black, and Zayn wears a grey tee an black jeans. Liam wears a white tank top which of course, makes the crowd go insane.

You would never believe me if I told you how loud the arena is right now.


"Twitter Questions," Louis announces.

"Alright favourite school memories." Niall reads.

"How 'bout you Louis."

Louis answers about sometime when they played in the snow, and same with Harry. The rest of the boys answer, and they move onto the next question.

"How was your day?" Louis reads. He removes the microphone from where his lips, and mumbles a curse.

"Pippy Lane. This was sent in by Piper Ann Lane." he's so shocked. "Where is Pippy Lane?"

I lean myself over to the security guard. "Sir, I'm Pippy Lane."

He raises his eyebrows. "Sure you are."

Without hesitation I whip out my student ID and show it to the man.

"My apologies." He motions Louis over, then points to me. His eyes light up as soon as he spots me and I awkwardly wave.

Louis whispers something to the security guard, and the guard looks at me and nods his head.

"My day has been great, especially with that amazing surprise, how about you Liam," Louis pats Liam on the shoulder.

"Fantastic." Liam smiles.

Soon after the boys come across a twerking question. I turn to Emme with a massive smirk. Just a couple weeks ago, Emme and I taught ourselves how to twerk. You could say that I am a natural.

The boys look up how to twerk on Niall's phone and Louis points to me. "We could have Miss. Pippy Lane come up here and teach us to twerk." Positive shouts are thrown through the arena.

Louis holds his hand out to me and I freeze. I'm so horrified at that moment, I don't even notice that I'm shaking like a Chihuahua. Thousands of girls didn't pay to come her and watch me teach the boys to twerk.

"She looks a bit nervous." Louis jokes.

I grip the metal bar of the little gate blocking me from the stage, and climb over it. Taking hold to Louis' strong hand, I am pulled up to the stage in seconds. The look of thousands spread out in front of me is overwhelming.

"Alright, so whats the first step, Piper?" Harry asks.

"You get low, keep your feet facing outward," I cannot believe I'm doing this. I notice Emme in the crowd, her big puppy dog eyes scream 'why not me?'

"Then you put your hands on your hips and either use your thumbs to pop your hips forward, or the rest of your fingers to press your hips out." The boys follow my lead. The lights practically blind me.

"Could we get a beat?" Liam asks and the band begins to play. The boys all joke around and I stand and laugh while observing them fail at twerking.

"Alright thanks to you Piper we are all pro's at twerking." Harry jokes.

I get of the stage and before I jump over the metal gate, Louis calls me over.

"If you want to, the security guard will lead you backstage after the show. You can bring your friend too." He whispers into my ear. I nod and smile before hopping over the little gate.


"THANK YOU MIAMI" Niall shouts, now wearing a Miami jersey that all the boys changed into.

"We had an absolutely wonderful time!" Liam adds.

"Thank you for making it amazing." Zayn shouts into the microphone.

"GOOD NIGHT MIAMI." Harry finishes, and as soon as the spotlights dim to the stage and the arena lights up, the boys are gone. I stand, stunned.

"Come with me," the security guard in front of the gate that separates us from the stage tells us.


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Xx. GreysynnE

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