The Tweet

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I hum my favourite song to myself as I rub a washcloth across the dirty table one of the customers just left from. My shift is almost over. 10 minutes to go. As I pile the used dishes and utensils into a pile, my manager whisks them away for me. "You can go now," he winks and my lips curl into a smile. My blue brackets are revealed and I sigh with relief.

"Thank you so much." I run into the break room and grab my phone out of my bag.

'I'm out in front when your ready. Xx. Emme'

I respond quickly. 'On my way. :D -Pip'

Emme is my 2nd half. My brunette best friend that every blonde has. We have been inseperable since primary school. Since today is Friday, we are going to attend the bonfire at the beach with all the college kids at our dorm.

Grabbing my backpack, I run out the door. I spot Emme and my car right off the bat. A sky blue mini cooper. Emme is totally jamming out in the car and singing to a song on the radio. As soon as I opened the passenger door music begins to blast. I roll my eyes and plop myself into my seat.

I whip my phone out first thing and tweet.

'@pippyyylaneeee: just finishing up work. ready to go to the beach. #finally

my day<<

"How was your day Pip?" Emme asks with slight tone of sarcasm.

"Erm. It was rubbish." I scroll through my twitter feed.

"Why baby face?" she jokes.

"I dunno. It was just one of those days." I respond and her twinkling green eyes catch my teal orbs.

Emme sped through the streets to get to our dorm. I read the time on my Iphone; 9:53. We have about an hour 'til the bonfire.

Just moments later, my phone buzzes. I look down and see that Louis tweeted.

'@Louis_Tomlinson: Hiiiiiiii'

I don't usually do this and I don't know what made me tweet a reponse but I tweeted back.

'@pippyyylaneeee: @Louis_Tomlison How's your day gone? Mine has been a bit rubbish.'

Just then my phone buzzed again. It was Louis. He tweeted someone back

"@Louis_Tomlinson: @pippyyylaneeee sorry to hear that babe, why has it been rubbish?'

I read it over and thought, 'That's cute.' Then I read it over again, then shut it off quickly. I cursed under my breath.

"Pippy, you can get out now." Emme called to me outside the car. I didn't even realize that the car was off and parked right in front of our dorm.


I threw my Iphone on my bed and shut the door behind me.

Rummaging through my closet, I begin to think about that tweet again. 'Should I tweet back again? No, I shouldn't. But you would be letting up the opportunity to tweet back to a member of THE. MOST. FAMOUS. BOYBAND.IN. THE WORLD, because HE. TWEETED, of all people, YOU!'

I hurtle myself toward my bed and grab my phone. I go to twitter and type back as quickly as I can.

'@pippyyylaneeee: @Louis_Tomlinson it was just one of those days :( I had school + work.'

Waiting was excrutiating. 5 minutes. 10 minutes. Louis never tweets back.

I let a huge sigh escape from my lips.


I slip knitted pink crop sweater from Topshop over my bikini top, and wriggle on a pair of short shorts from Topshop as well. My feet are accessorized with a pair of black Dr. Martens and clip the bangs of my naturally wavy hair back with a black bow clip. I don't touch my makeup because it actually looks halfway decent. I slip my Iphone into my back pocket, and leave my room.


Thanks so much for reading! It means a ton. Don't forget to rate, comment, and follow :D Stay posted for the next chapter!!

Smoochies, Grey <3

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