Best Friends For Never

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Kinda Introduction to the boys ( Niall Horan & Harry Styles )
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Harry Styles and Niall Horan recently entered college about a month or two.

Harry Styles is your typical jock , the lady's man as you can always find him flirting with anything that has two legs and boobs . Its his tall height , dimpled cheeks and rosy lips that does it for him . And when he winks all girls swooon or possibly die of heart failure . He joined the football team in the start of the year and immediately became friends with Louis , one of the players. He and Louis became close mates after one particular incident in the changing room. Let's just say they are good fries now .Other than Louis he is also friends with Zayn , another player on the team. Zayn was already close to Louis as both lads know each other since senior year in high school.

Niall Horan is Harry Styles best friend since they were four years old . The duo are extremely close to one another since forever. They went to same school & high school with Niall being in almost all of Harry's classes. They share everything from clothes to shoes to secrets .

Speaking of secrets , Harry knows everything about Niall .But there is one thing Niall doesn't know about Harry , one thing Harry has managed to keep away from his best friend. The thing which he thinks will ruin everything between them .

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