Always Mine~Yukine x OC

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Name: Kyu Reila
Age: 14
Looks: has longish black hair with bangs and yellow green eyes. Wears a short black kimono with a blue butterfly and leaf pattern with a blue obi. Has knee high dark blue socks and black flats. Also has a blue flower in her hair. Uses black fans with the same kimono pattern on her weapons to fight with.

"ARI!" I screamed as another regalia was slain by a so called 'God' he was a monster, he killed them.

I belonged to Raka, the God of pride. He had gone somewhere, but returned with a new regalia. However, this regalia was actually getting revenge so he brought his old God back to kill every one of the regalias.

"Stop!" I screamed again but nothing worked. He kept killing and killing all of them. Tears were streaming down my face and Raka was soon in front of me, protecting me from the killer.

"Leave, now you have done enough!" He shouted as the God came closer.

"I don't care, it's not over till I say it is!" He said while bringing his sword down.


My name, gone. He was dead. Everyone was dead. The God headed to me, my face now void of any emotion at all.

In one swift move he could end all my pain but that never came. Someone was in front of me, but it wasn't someone I knew.

"Get out of here!" They shouted while beating the God to a pulp. I sat there, no tears. No feelings.

The fight was short, the God was killed quickly. "Hey!" The mysterious saviour called again.

"Yes?" I replied back. I was close to breaking but I wouldn't.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I simply nodded. "Would you- well since that just happened, you could become my regalia." He offered and I looked at him. He looked genuine and kind.

"I would like that. But don't think I'll make any bonds, my time doing that ended." I explained and he simply nodded.

""You with nowhere to go and nowhere to return, I grant you a place to belong. My name Yato. Bearing a posthumous name you shall remain here. With this name, I make thee my servant ." He began and started drawing the characters in the air.

"With this name and its alternate, I use my name thee a regalia. Thou art Kyu. As regalia Kia. Come, Kari!" He finished and a name appeared on my left hand.

I nodded down at it and walked away, I heard another new voice behind me and then footsteps following.

"By the way Kyu I'm yato and this is Yukine." He started while shoving a boy around my age in front of me.

"Hello." I waved, the slightest smile on my face.

"Hey." He said looking away and blushing.

I giggled a little but looked forward again. Maybe I can make new bonds?

~ Time skip ~

"Yukine!" Yato scolded the boy again and I laughed.

"What?" He replied while glaring at the God.

"If you don't stop having Pervy thoughts about Ky-" he started only to get tackled by yukine.

I laughed again. This had happened every day for the past 6 months. I have a major crush on yukine but I don't show it.

"I'm off to see Hiyori, I'll leave you two here." Yato disappeared and I sat down against the wall.

"Hey yuki." I called and he turned around and sat opposite me.

"Yeah?" He replied back blushing again.

"Why do you keep blighting yato?" I giggled at his face turning bright red.

"I'll tell you when your older."

"1. We're the same age and 2." I began and he stopped me.

"I know the second reason." He looked away and I sighed.

"I miss my old friends, Ari, Raka, everyone." I looked down at my hands before hearing shuffling next to me.

I looked to see yukine sat with his arms open. I blushed but scooted over and hugged him.

"Can I tell you something?" He started as he played with my hair.

"Go ahead." I replied, pulling back to see his face. He was blushing and looking in every direction except from my face.

"Well I-like you." He finally said and I sat back against the wall, patting the space next to me

He looked worried but sat next to me anyway.

"I like you too." I smiled and kissed him. He was frozen for a second but kissed back afterwards.

We parted for air and I laid my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me and held me tightly.

"I'm glad, heh." He chuckled before a very angry and blighted yato appeared.

"Stop blighting me!" He yelled and yukine stood up and got in his face.

"I'm not!" He argued back.

"Oh, I see, your a thing now. So your gonna keep blighting me!" He yelled back and yukine blushed.

"Yep, we're a thing. Always my yuki Chan." I came up behind him and jumped on his back.

He smiled and Yato's eyes softened. "Good for you two." He rolled his eyes but then left.

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