Tsundere~Ibusaki x OC

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Name: Karina Rizuka
Age: 15
Looks: elbow length brown hair with side bangs. Has deep hazel eyes. Wears her chef uniform but outside of the class she wears tight black leggings with a white crop top and a dark blue jacket. Wears black converse shoes and a dark blue SnapBack on facing backwards on her head.

"Rina chan!" Megumi shouted from down the halls.

"Hi." I replied bluntly and she smiled.

"Wanna come to the kitchen, we're gonna make dishes for a cook off?" She asked and I sighed.

"I guess." I replied and she smiled. I nodded in response and we walked towards the kitchen.

"What are you making?" My close friend Soma asked.

"Hamburg steak, I feel lazy." I said flatly making him nod.

People in polar star had gotten used to my Tsundere personality and I was glad. There was one flaw in it though, I couldn't take mind off a certain auburn haired smoke user,

Yeah, Ibusaki Shun. From when I first arrived at polar star, he was always quite and kept himself to himself and I kinda liked that. Though I act cold and blunt, I sometimes hope he would notice me.

"Hey Shoji, your up!" Fumio San called and shoji stepped up with his dish, barbecued chicken.

After a few compliments and things he could work on, Fumio scored him 7 out of 10.

Though many of the polar star chefs were good, only 3 scored above 8. Me, Soma and Shun.

I sighed as everyone began mindless chatter. "Tsk, what effort." I sighed again while sitting back on the sofa.

"Karina San?" Megumi sat beside me and I nodded at her presence.

"Hi Megumi." I replied and she smiled faintly.

"Well done on scoring a high score! I only got 5." She trailed off and I found myself smile a little.


I glanced over at Karina only to see her smile. My heart suddenly sped up as I saw her mouth create a beautiful smile.

Wait, did I just say beautiful?! I cursed in my head and brushed off all the thoughts I just had.

I didn't really talk to Karina but in all honesty I didn't talk much at all anyway. She was the same, a Tsundere.

I wasn't exactly sure of what made her that way but I accepted her like everyone else. I must sound so OOC but I might have taken a little liking to the brunette when she arrived at polar star.


I left my smoke filled room only to be scolded by Fumio San.

"Hai hai." I muttered and made my way down the dark halls.

I didn't look straight and walked into someone. I heard them use a colourful word as they fell to the ground.

"Oh, sorry." I said blankly and helped them up only to be met with a pair of hazel eyes.

"Hm." Was all she replied with before adjusting her SnapBack and continuing to walk down the hallways.

I couldn't keep my eyes from trailing after her as she entered the room opposite to mine.

I sighed and began walking again down the dark corridor.

Flashback over

"Feeling things is confusing." I muttered silently before glancing back to see she was back to her tight lipped face, but I still couldn't help but stare.


I felt someone's eyes bore into me but I ignored it.

"So, how do you like the school." I sparked up conversation with Megumi and she smiled.

"It's fun! But very difficult at times but that's to be expected." She replied warmly and I nodded before sighing again.

"Hey everyone! We're all going to Mauri's room!" Shoji called over us.

"What?!" The glasses clad boy shouted back but it didn't stop everyone filing through the door and up to his room.

I ran a hand through my hair and trudged back to my own rooms my to be stopped by Megumi on the way.

"Your not coming Rina chan?" She asked and I shook my head. She reluctantly nodded and I turned back to my room.

Once I closed the door I fell back into my bed and took of my SnapBack. I picked up my phone and typed a text to my cousin who lived in America.

When the text sent I placed my phone back onto the bedside table and heard a knock at the door.

"Come in its open." I called and to my surprise none other then Ibusaki Shun walked into the room.

"Hey." He said formally and I just raised and eyebrow, gesturing for him to take a seat on my bed.

"Your not at the 'get together'?" I asked, bewildered.

"I left when the alcohol came out, I don't think I could have managed another one of Soma's peanut butter squid." He shuddered and for the first time in years I laughed.

I properly laughed. He stared at me shocked while I laughed like a strange person.

I was about to say something when I was met by a pair of soft lips on mine. I tensed at first but then relaxed and kissed him back.

We broke away and I flushed pink. "U-uh I- like you." I stammered while looking to the side.

"I feel the same." He replied simply before I hugged him tightly.

He hugged back and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"And here's me thinking you were Tsundere." He smirked and I just rolled my eyes.

"Whatever." I replied while kissing him again.

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