Baker~Makoto x OC

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Name: Nim Martin
Age: 17
Looks: has long wavy pink hair with dip dyed white ends. Wears a short floaty white dress with a black ribbon around the collar. Has knee high black socks and black converse. Has bright blue eyes and a cat ear head band.

"Arigato!" I chirped to my last customer who left the bakery I owned.

"N-Nim San, we're out of flour." My head baker Lily came jogging out of the kitchen covered in Cocoa and sprinkles.

"Oh! Well we just got an order for a wedding cake, I'll go place and order for flour and pick up some lemonade for us on the way back." I smiled and turned towards the door.

My dress flew out behind me as I recent the door I stopped. "In the meantime get Bret to watch the counter and make some more buttercream for the cake!" I called to the brunette and she nodded.

After shutting the door and grabbing my Totoro backpack, I headed into the town.

"Good morning Maria." I greeted the woman in the local convenience store.

"Ah, hello Nim, here for refreshments again?" She smiled and I nodded.

"Yep, Gotta keep my workers refreshed." I beamed and headed to the chilled section, grabbing 2 bottles of lemonade.

"Makoto, your new here, serve our first customer." She ushered a boy around my age with brown hair and green eyes out of the store area.

"Ohio, is this everything?" He asked warmly and I nodded.

"Newbie eh? You treating him well Maria chan?" I giggled and she rolled her eyes.

"Watch your mouth Nim, but yes. He's a hard working boy, actually! Makoto, could you head back to Nim's bakery with her and pick up my order?" She asked and he nodded while handing me my purchase.

"Of course." He smiled and walked to the door with me. He held it open and I bowed slightly before exiting. I held the paper bag in my arms as we walked down the street.

At first there was a comfortable silence between us but I was the first to break it. Of course your the first to break it! Loudmouth! I told myself in my head.

"So, Makoto huh? My names Nim, I own a bakery just down the street from here." I told him and he looked surprised.

"Wow! Your around my age and you already own a business." He said, almost fascinated by it.

"Mhm, I dropped out of school when I was 16 and have owned a bakery since then. I'm 17 now that makes it a year next week. I prefer that to staying in education any longer." I explained and he nodded in response.

"I'll have to drop by sometime, my siblings would like the treats." He smiled and I dusted pink.

Why am I blushing? I just met the guy five minutes ago! But his smile... SNAP OUT OF IT!

I mentally punched myself in the face and shook the blush of my features before turning the corner to my bakery.

"Lily! I'm back, and have you got Maria's order ready?" I called to the girl and she jumped from a round the kitchen.

"A-ah yes!" She ran back into the kitchen and came out with a box of brightly coloured cupcakes.

"Aw, they look amazing, lily San! Jay is going to love these for his birthday." I praised and she smiled.

"A-Arigato." She said shyly before disappearing again.

"So you know Maria sans son?" Makoto questioned and I hummed in response.

" he comes here sometimes after school to buy a cupcake, he's adorable!" I squished my cheeks together as he laughed.

"So, Nim, I was wondering, are you free this Saturday. We could go to a tea house if you wanted." He asked while blushing and looking away.

"Y-yeah! I'll meet you here then!" I smiled and he nodded.

I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek before scurrying into the kitchen to get my blush under control.

"See you then." I heard him call before the bell chimed, signifying he had left the store.

"N-Nim kun! You have a red face, fever?" Lily rushed over and I shook my head.

"Nah I'm good, now, let's make that wedding cake!" I giggled before we set to work on making a mixture.

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