Im Not Complaining~ Levi x OC

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Name: Arial Jager
Age: Unknown
Looks: browny grey hair tied up with black patterned ribbon. Wears the usual survey corps uniform but with black bandages covering her whole right leg. Has soft brown eyes and a small cross tattoo on her wrist.

"Can you stop messing around?!" I shouted, trying to be serious with the new recruit and also my brother, Eren.

"Y-yes ma'am!" He replied but no sooner then we said that we burst out laughing.

"You know, your so dead if captain Levi finds out about your 'un-seriousness'!" Petra commented while I sat cross legged on the table.

"Buttttt, captain Levi isn't going to find out." I sang while nodding in approval of my own statement.

"He did mention that he needed to see you about something." She replied while putting a finger on her chin thoughtfully.

"Aw man, he told me that yesterday but I forgot. I guess I'll go now." I began to stand up when I got stopped but Eren.

"Today we're heading out into 'their' territory. We need to go." He said and I sighed.

"Let's go then!" I grinned and we headed outside.

We mounted our horses and I hugged mine by its neck. "Awwww, ready for today Carlo?" I patted him and he snorted in response.

"Cadet Jager!" Levi suddenly yelled and me and my brother turned to him. "Arial, Jager." He repeated and I steered my black horse over to him.

"Yes captain?" I stopped next to him and I saw his glare which made me sigh. "I know I know I forgot but we need to focus on this mission for now." I stated before the gates opened and we began to ride into Titan territory.

It wasn't long until a red flare was spotted. Not long after that a purple flare was seen which caused a stir in the formation.

"Captain, there's a Titan behind us!" Eren called out and sure enough there was an abnormal Titan on our heels.

"Send a flare then!" Levi called back so I rummaged through my bag to find a black flare.

After setting it off another black flare was seen in what looked like Armin's squad.

"Sir, we need to change course!" Petra shouted over the noise of the Titan running.

"Affirmative, move left!" He alerted us all of our movement and we veered left to Armin's direction.

We rode faster but the abnormal Titan was catching up. "Captain we need orders!" I called to him but got ignored.

We rode for a little longer but then we spotted a Titan in front of us.

"Shit! It's going for the captain!" I heard the rest of squad behind me and heard the captain curse under his breath.

"Shit shit shit!" I muttered to myself. I needed to distract the Titan to lure it away from my squad. "If I could just get past the captain, I could hopefully distract the Titan long enough for someone to kill it." I whispered before forming a plan in my head.

"This could mean me probably dying but I'm saving lives woo!" I shouted causing me to get looks from my squad.

"Cadet, I don't know what the hell your doing but stop now!" Levi shouted to me but I wasn't listening. "Cadet Jager! Arial!" Everyone watched as I patted Carlo one last time before jumping with my gear and attaching it to the Titan.

"Come at me bitch!" I laughed as it turned its head and made its way to me. "Kill it now!" I cried out as Eren jumped and slashed the the Titans neck.

I released myself from it and lunged towards the ground. "Oh shit, I didn't think this part through." I muttered before I hit the ground and knocked myself out, cleaver me!

I woke up in a bed which was presumably mine with my bestie Petra sat next for me.

"Oh thank god your awake!" She smiled brightly and I swung my legs over the edge of the bed.

"Don't say anything else, I know captain Levi wants to see me." I sighed and she nodded.

I stood up from the bed and skipped down the hall to his office. I stopped and knocked a few times on the door.

"Enter." A muffled voice came from the other side of the door.

I pushed the door open to see a distressed Levi flipping through paper on his desk.

When he spotted me I could literally feel his glare, but it wasn't all anger there was some relief.

"Soooo, how's things." I spoke casually while closing the door behind me. When I turned back I only to be pushed into a seat by a aggravated captain.

"What was that back there?! You could have died!" He shouted and I sat back into the seat while he leaned against his desk.

"You were about to become Titan meat, am I a bad person for protecting ya hmm?" I inquired as his face softened for the first time in ages.

"Protecting me? I can do that myself without you dying on me!" He said sternly while putting his hand on the back of the chair and leaning down to face me.

"Hn, but you don't care about me anyhow, I mean I'm just that random cadet who pisses off the captain all the damn time and it's not like I-" I shut up when I was kissed by him, I'm not complaining ;).

"Idiot, I do care about your stupid ass." He smirked and I puffed my cheeks out.

"Couldn't have put it nicer? Well I'll accept it." I grinned proudly before it was my turn to kiss him.

Anime One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon