Casual Encounters~Rin x OC (free!)

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Name: Morimo Asaki
Age: 19
Looks: pastel blue hair to her waist. Wears a black vest top and grey denim jacket. Has ripped black skinny jeans and black converse. Always has a Fin from adventure time SnapBack on and has a back bandage wrapped around her left wrist. Has bright green eyes.

"Alright, Savvy, I'm finished with my shift so I'm heading off!" I called to my manager as I just caught her short black Bob disappear around the corner.

"See you tomorrow Morimo." She called back and I hung my apron on the hook.

"Well, another day of work over." I sighed before grabbing my denim jacket and leaving the restaurant.

I worked at a local restaurant as a bar maid. I earned a minimum wage but as I lived alone I survived.

I walked through the snow covered town which was dotted with small stores and cafes. It was around 5 pm so it was pretty busy.

I walked a few more steps in a daze before I bumped into someone's chest causing me to fall over.

"Oh, sorry! I should have looked where I was going." I brushed a piece of my blue hair from my face and grabbed the items form my bag.

"Let me, my fault for not looking where I was going." They chuckled and I looked to see a maroon haired boy around my age, stood in front of me.

I blushed as he smiled. He had cute pointy shark teeth! Kyahhhh Kawaii!

"Thanks." I smiled as he helped me pick up my phone and keys.

"The names Rin, yours?" He asked as I got to my feet.

"Morimo, call me Mori." I smiled and he nodded.

"Where were you heading, I'll walk you seen as though it's getting dark." He offered and I swooned again.

"O-oh, that's okay, I don't live far." I assured but he rolled his eyes while running a hand through his hair.

"At least let me because I made you fall." He turned and walked the way I was heading.

I scurried after him, trying to reason with the boy about me being capable to walk alone, but there was no use in it.

It wasn't long until we reached my house. I turned to him and bowed in thanks.

"Thanks for walking me home." I smiled and he smiled slightly.

"You live alone?" He inquired and I nodded.

"Yeah, always have since I was 15." I explained while grabbing my keys from my bag.

"Oh, well night." He waved before disappearing out of sight. I entered my house and made my way to my room.

After throwing my bag on the floor I flopped back onto my bed and before I knew it, I was asleep.

A few weeks past and every day after work I would run into Rin and he would walk me home. I guess it was sort of something we expected now.

One night, which happened to be tonight, I had to stay back at work late. It meant locking up and everything so I wouldn't finish till an hour over my shift.

I thought nothing of it, until a familiar maroon haired boy walked into the restaurant.

"E-excuse me, we're closed now-" I started but looked up to see Rin just casually leaning against the door.

"Your late." He stated and I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't realise we had set a time to meet." I smirked as he raised and eyebrow.

"Oh? Well I guess we have." He smirked back while moving away from the door so we could exit.

"Well, I had to stay back as my boss had things to do." I locked up and we began walking.

"So do you." He told me and I raised an eyebrow.

"Is that so, I didn't think walking with you was so important." I teased and he shoved my shoulder.

"It could be, but that's just an idea." He muttered and I blushed a bit.

"R-Rin, your making this weird." I giggled while he just faked hurt.

"How rude of me." He shoved his hands in his pockets and I gazed up at the sky.

"Winters nearly over so that means no more snow." I sighed while he looked up as well.

"I'm not complaining. The sooner summer comes, the more I can swim in the ocean again." He chuckled and I giggled back.

"You sound like my friend Haruka." I told him and he looked shocked.

"You know Haru?" He asked and I gasped.

"He comes to the restaurant a lot, you must be the Rin he talked about." I said, mainly to myself.

"I must be. Well, we're here." He stopped outside the door to my house and I bowed in thanks.

"See you tomorrow?" I asked happily and he smiled slightly.

"Like always." He replied but this time he leaned over and kissed my cheek causing me to flush every colour of red.

All I could do was watch his figure saunter off into the darkness before he was out of sight.

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