Its Too Much Effort~Shikamaru x OC

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Name: Taya Hiro
Age: 17
Looks: waist length brown hair with dip dyed blue and white ends and green eyes. Wears a short off the shoulder white kimono with no pattern but a dark blue obi. Has black spandex shorts underneath and blue ninja shoes. As a jutsu from her clan, she has white wings with blue ends.

"I don't want your excuse! You were cheating on me with her! What else is to it?!" I screamed at the White haired ninja, aka, my cheating ex boyfriend -.-

"Hah! Always jumping to fucking conclusions! She kissed me!" He shouted back.

Basically I was in the middle of a hugeeee argument about it. His name was Raito and he was kissing my ex best friend Sakura. We broke up a week and a half ago, but he was back for more excuses.

"You didn't stop her! And if I remember correctly, You kisses back!" I threw my arms out for emphasis and he  smirked.

"Jealous? Well whatever, do what you want!" He turned away and slammed the door to my apartment which I shared with my new bestie TenTen.

"We're you arguing again?" TenTen came into the room as I fell back onto the couch.

"Yep, he won't stop!" I sighed dramatically and she nodded.

"Take a walk while I order ramen, it'll get your mind off things." She smiled and I hugged her lightly before turning to the door.

"Thanks TenTen, be back later!" I called and shut the door.

I walked through the streets with a emotionless face until I turned into a clearing with a hill.

Hn, why not. I walked to the top and fell back into the soft grass.

"Ah, takes away all the stress and shit." I sighed and then frowned. "Why did he keep coming back to yell at me anyway?" I wondered before I heard someone clear their throat.

"Your in my spot." They said before sitting next to me.

"Oh, sorry bout that Shika, just needed to think about things." I muttered and sat up.

"About you and Raito? What he did was a dick move." He sighed and I frowned again.

"He just keeps coming back to yell and scream at me, ugh I hate that Baka!" I ranted and he poked my arm.

"It's too much effort to worry about him, I mean-well-I kinda er, wanna get to know you." He said truthfully and I smiled.

"I'd like to get to know you too!" I grinned and he smiled lazily.

"Lets meet here tomorrow, I best get back to TenTen, bye Shika Chan!" I waved and got up before jogging down the hill and to my house.

"TenTen! I got a kinda date!" I called and the girl came running out of the kitchen and tackled me to the floor.

"Where, when, why, with who?!?!" She asked while shaking my shoulders.

I switched potions and shook her shoulders, "that hill, tomorrow, because I need to get over Raito and with Shikamaru!" I answer her questions while jumping to my feet and pulling her up.

"Eeeeek! Kyahh, my little Taya has a dateeee!" She did a little happy dance and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't you have a date tonight? With a certain bushy brows?" I raised an eyebrow and she paled.

"Fudge! I completely forgot, I better get ready!" She dashed out of the room and I just shook my head at her.

There was a knock at the door so I opened it to reveal Lee. "Haii Lee, TenTen will be right out, she kinda forg-" I began but a hand covered my mouth before I could finish.

"I forgot my bag! Right Taya?" She said sternly and I bit her hand. She whacked my head and Lee sweat dropped.

"Well, let us go TenTen!" He gave her a thumbs up and I winked at her.

"Be back by 11 or I will castrate you, and don't get too close if you know what I mean. I don't want any baby TenTen's running around!" I stated and they blushed brightly before I shoved them out the door.


It was the next day and I rolled out of bed and onto the floor. TenTen stayed over at Lee's but I'm just hoping I don't become an Auntie just yet!

I showered and got dressed before grabbing something to eat. I looked at the clock to see it was already mid day.

"I'm too lazy." I muttered and stuffed some pocky into my mouth.

I was about to kick back and watch gossip girl when I remembered I had a kinda date.

"Oh flipping fudge monkeys!" I jumped up and ran over to the door. After slamming it behind me I ran to where I was supposed to meet Shika.

I saw the lazy ninja laid on the hill where we were yesterday. I walked over and flopped down next to him.

He opened one eye and smirked. "Your late, your lazier then me." He chuckled and I pouted.

"Am not!" I said back and he shoved me. I shoved him back and it turned into a shoving war.

I was about to push him done the hill when he pinned my arms to the ground and we broke out laughing.

"I like you Taya." He said outwardly and I smiled.

"I like you too pineapple head!" I giggled and he hovered over me. He leans closer and kissed me softly.

I kissed back and rested my hands on his shoulders and he smirked. As he pulled back a blush dusted my cheeks and he smiled.

"Glad I got to know you." He commented and I giggled.

"Same, there's still some things you don't know yet though." I tilted my head thoughtfully and he just brought his lips back to mine and we kissed for longer.

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