Sweet~Yuma x OC

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Name: Karu Ruya
Age: 16
Looks: shoulder length pink hair and blue eyes. Wears a black sweater and pastel pink spandex shorts. Has black converse and a pastel pink beanie with a black pompom on the end. Has white bandages tied around both of her wrists and one of her ankles.

"Tell me when I'm dead." I said slowly. I had an attitude like Azusa and a voice like Kou (like Karuda from inu X boku ss!).

I didn't really like to socialise but when you live in a house with 4 vampires, you can't really escape human, or vampire, contact.

"Your a strange girl K chan!" Kou pouted when I spread my legs out on the whole sofa so he couldn't sit down.

"I'm....just a waiting for death." I said again while closing my eyes and placing my beanie on my face.

"How come your so..different?" He asked again and I sighed.

"I just....can't be bothered......with anything?" I said like it was a question.

He flicked my forehead and I pouted. "Meanie." I muttered and he just rolled his eyes.

"Do you.....like....knives?" Azusa asked and I shook my head.

"I like food." I suggested and he just got up and left.

"Did I.....say something?" I asked the blond who was perched on the sofa arm.

"He's just like that. Don't worry about it K chan." He smiled and I nodded.

After a while of just talking with Kou, Ruki called him away for something so I sat by myself, or should I say laid.

I didn't know how long I laid there for but I stopped hearing everyone's voices , indicating they left, a long time ago.

"I'm bored. Where's Yuma chan?" I stood up slowly and readjusted my beanie on my head.

I left the room and walked down the halls to the kitchen. I opened the door and closed it behind me.

Sure enough, Yuma was sat with his legs on the table and his eyes closed. I sat on the table and put my face close to his. His eyes slowly opened an she fell off the chair when he saw how close I was.

"Karu! What the hell?!" He cursed from the floor and I tilted my head to the side.

"Why are you...on the floor?" I spoke slowly yet confused.

"You scared me!" He threw his arms out for emphasis and I nodded. I crawly off the table and sat on his lap facing him.

"Sorry Yuma chan." I smiled faintly and he sighed.

"Whatever." He tsked and I just put my arms around his neck.

"You can hate me.....all you want." I offered and he just took out his sugar cubes and put one in his mouth.

"I don't hate you." He smirked when he swallowed the sugar. He then moved my hair from my neck and kissed it. "You know I don't." He murmured before sinking his fangs into my skin.

"Your obsessed......with my blood Yuma chan." I sighed as he continued to suck my blood.

"You shouldn't taste so sweet then." He replied when he brought his face from my neck.

I patted his head and stood up. "I'm.....hungry." I lazily opened the cupboard and grabbed some pocky.

I put one of the sticks in my mouth and left the room with the box in my hands. I heard someone leave the living room and I entered. I sat on the sofa and continued to eat my pocky.

"I love.....pocky.....it's the best." I spoke to myself.

"What about me?" A familiar voice whined and rested their chin on my head.

"Of course I.....love you too.....Yuma.....you give me food." I turned my head to face him and he rolled his eyes.

"And that's the only reason?" He mocked hurt and I kissed his cheek.

"One....of them." I put another pocky stick in my mouth and he just bit the other end and kissed my lips.

"I also take your food." He smirked when he pulled away and ate the pocky.

"Your.....a meanie." I pouted and he just brought his lips to mine again.

"But I'm yours." He smirked and left the room.

"My.......pocky." I then laid back on the sofa and fell asleep.

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