We reached the river down south and I slowed down to a halt. My feet stopped padding against the soft grass that was sprayed with dew from the morning. The sun was hitting us lightly, giving off a peaceful vibe. The ray’s warmth relaxed me, ever so slightly. Because I knew Roman was coming. I just knew it.

Duncan’s red-brown wolf nudged me slightly as he stopped beside me.

This was almost like a date, I guess. The warm and sunny location, the calm and peaceful running river beside us, the cute little nudging.

I sighed in content at these thoughts. A normal life was being presented to me. Well...Apart from the fact that I’m a wolf...

The most peaceful thing about this whole situation was that all my troubles seemed to just melt away. I felt myself visibly relax, my muscles groaning in appreciation.

My body was still stiff from running all night last night. It was a good work out though, in a way. But all things bad happened. I lost my sister –in a way- and I got myself tied to a mate. God really wasn’t happy with me.

Just as I started to nudge Duncan back playfully, a large growl erupted through the treetops, sending the native birds and insects scattering.

Fearing what would happen if I turned my head around, I simply stood behind Duncan. I knew who it was, and why it was here. But I was scared, for once in my life, I was scared. Shitless.

Duncan stood protectively in front of me, his teeth bared and a low humming started in his chest. He was willing to fight for me. In a way, I was happy. But deep down, I knew that this wasn’t going to end well.

I tilted my head the tiniest bit and my eyes found Romans giant wolf staring back at us. Back at us...

Oh shit, BACK AT US?! Duncan was going to be in more trouble than he thought. Did he even know that I was meant to be the Alpha’s son?

Of course he would have to know. He had to fight the Alpha’s son for me.

After a mental face palm, I realised that this currently ‘growl only’ war was about to turn into a full-on physical war. This was definitely not one of those ‘His bark is worse than his bite’ moments. This was a ‘get the hell out of there now before he pulls your windpipe out with his teeth’ moments.

Romans green eyes glistened with rage, his aura seemed to be filling up this very tense environment also.

One minute, it was a peaceful and tranquil forest, and the next, World War 3 had started.

Before Roman could charge and have a go at Duncan, I stepped forward. Full well knowing that he wouldn’t dare try to get past me.

And he had the audacity to whimper. What a spineless little bitch. He was the ALPHA’S SON for Christ’s sake! He should be big, and bad and brave. Not whimper that a girl was protecting a friend. Seriously? What has the world come to?

I shook my head, and with a hind leg, I swiftly kicked Duncan back, shoving him away. Giving him an escape route.

And he must have realised that I was helping him, because he gladly took the path way from hell. I would have to if it had been me on the other end of Romans death-stare.

My head swung back to Roman after ensuring that Duncan was safe. I don’t think I could live with myself if I had let him be killed.

His eyes were soft when he caught my own. He was sad in away. But his body was slumped, as if I had mortally wounded his pride.

I simply scoffed, and turned my back to him. If I had to have a mate, I at least wanted one that was brave enough to act like a man.

As I took a few steps forward, a sudden wave of pain and regret filled me. It was strange and unusual. It made me unsettled...And it made me lose my bearings.

I was suddenly pinned to the floor. A warm body on top of mine, filling me with warmth and heat again.

Romans fur tickled my face as he buried his head within the scruff of my neck. He breathed heavily on me for a few seconds, his warm breathe tickling me. I unconsciously let out a groan of approval.

He breathed in again, this time with his nose.

Was he sniffing me?

His breathe hitched in his throat again. His nose made a slight sniffling noise.

He was! I struggled under his weight, trying to roll him off of me. But failing at every attempt.

I decided to lie still, seeing his reaction. He stopped moving as soon as I stopped struggling, his entire body covering the length of my own.

He was a massive wolf. And he was still sniffing me!

After a total of about two minutes, I let out a sigh. He was still casually pinning me to the ground as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do. Occasionally, I tried to snap at his throat, but he simply dodged my attacks.

And when he finally stopped sniffing me, he licked my neck where he bit me. Very barbaric if you ask me. It was like peeing on a tree. Territorial.

Then a thought processed in my currently-dim brain. He was marking his territory. I rolled my eyes in frustration. Males and their pride... He was only lying on top of me to rid the smell of Duncan, I was assuming.

I snapped again as he licked my nose. I growling testily at him, warning him not to stick his tongue out again, or I would seriously consider ripping it out of his mouth.

But I’m sure he would have loved it...


Aanyonghaseyo~ how are all my beautiful fans doing today? Well, to be honest, I am great! I have just pumped out a 1,500-ish word chapter out for you guys (Because I love you all!), I have pretty much completed my School certificate Exams (Which were easy ((Except maths...But who needs it in life anyway >>)), but I still have my comp. Exam tomorrow...) Wish me luck!

Anyways, I just wanted to say a quick shout out to all my new fans who have voted this story, added to libraries and helped to bring this story to both the werewolf list, and the romance list~ WOOP WOOP! *CYBER HUGS AND COOKIES FOR ALL!*

So life at the moment is pretty good: I’m currently watching An Anime that my dearest friend/Wife JuJu let me borrow, “No. 6”! Which is epic and totally recommended to all those Shounen Ai lovers!

I’m also reading “Pride and Prejudice’ ~ Mr. Darcy~ <3 don’t you just wish you had a Mr.D? *sigh*

And last but not least in ‘TIA’S DIARIES’- I am obsessed with the Neverland album by U-KISS an 2NE1’s I’m busy. After School Red’s new song is pretty cool. And Jay Park-Demon (*knows the whole rap 8D*). Tablo- Bad is pretty epic also...:D

Enough about me...Let’s see what you guys have been up to!

Here is this week’s POLL-

-What major things have happened in the past week?

-What is your favourite romance book (Not on Wattpad! A real book that is paperback/hardback)

-Would anyone be interested in doing a fanfic for this story? I might hold a competition in a few months if there are people who want to actually to do it.

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