The Attack

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"Just 5 more minutes.." she mumbled to her mom who wouldn't stop shouting for her to wake up. Little did she know it would be the last thing she ever said to her.


It was a hard week, Annalise had already seen two of her doctors and was on enough medication to kill a horse. She could barely focus through the constant migraines and memory lapses caused by her epilepsy, while suffering through severe chest pains caused by her asthma. Oh and did I mention the torn muscle on her shoulder after she fell down the stairs? Now that was fun.

Fighting off depression and anxiety was always harder at times like this, but thinking of her family was the one thing that kept her going. She had considered suicide many times before, but just knowing how much it would hurt the people that cared about her was enough to stay strong.

But today was Saturday! Couldn't she be allowed sleep in after the week she's had?

Then she heard it..

"ANNA!!!!" her mom screamed through the house.

It was the most terrifying sound she had ever heard. She jumped out of bed, knowing something was wrong and ran out of her room as fast as she could, but froze the second she reached the stairs.

Blood.. so much.. blood. Annalise stood and stared at her home being destroyed by large men while they attacked her family. It took her a few moments to snap out of her shocked state and scream as she saw her mom being thrown across their living room.

"NO!!" she screamed and barely managed to slip past the man who jumped forward to grab her. She noticed her dads pool cue on the floor and quickly picked up the heavy wooden stick, then swung it at the man who jumped out at her, aiming for his crotch first and then ramming the end of the cue into his face as he bent over in pain.

Ignoring her now aching shoulder she quickly ran to find her little brothers. "Ah fuck!! Let go of me!!" she cried as she was pulled by her hair and dragged across the floor before being roughly thrown against the living room wall. To her surprise it was a woman who crouched down in front of her. Her eyes were completely silver, showing no white and it was unnerving to see that she had no pupils either, her dark hair hidden under her cloak. "Be quiet dear, I am sorry for hurting you but these men cannot know why I am really here." she whispered to her. "Wait what? I don't know what's going on and I don't care why you're here but if you're on my side then please help me save them!" she begged the mysterious woman.

"I'm sorry my dear but this is not a fight you can win. Your purpose lies not in this world, you must leave now." The mysterious woman then placed a long black necklace with an amethyst in the centre of a silver pendant around Anna's neck. "What are you doing!? We have to help, I have to find my brothers!!" she yelled at the woman but was ignored as the amethyst began to glow brightly in the woman's hands. Annalise began to panic even further as the horrific scene before her started to fade away. She felt as though something was pulling her away from her family and she couldn't fight it no matter how hard she tried.

Within seconds she had no choice but to let go. As she blacked out, the last thing she would remember of her beloved family was their terrified screams.

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