Chapter Thirty- Three

Start from the beginning

"It seems you've grown two feet since I saw you last." She murmured softly. "But that can't really be true, could it?" I said nothing and looked at a bluebird sitting outside my window. "You- you always got into fights, huh, Avery?"

My eyes shot up at her and hardened. "I'm surprised you were sober enough to remember." I spat.

Her eyes flickered but other than that, there was no evidence that she even heard my comment.

"I'm sorry you feel that way."

"As you should."

There was more silence. The rising hostility in me needed to be let out some more, and clearly my stinging retort wouldn't suffice. "Why are you here? You should be in your own room, so doctors can deal with drunks like you."


"Where were you?"I demanded. My voice cracked. "Where the hell were you when I needed you?" Her eyes flooded with tears and they began falling. "At the bottom of the bottle, that's where you were." She didn't object to my statement and listened through silent tears. My voice shook. "At school I was being beaten, I was being cussed out, girls hated me and said awful things. Awful things. And boys... ganged up on me, bruised me, broke me, and none of it hurt me half as bad as you did, Ruth."

She wiped her nose and brushed away a tear. She stood and said quickly, "I think I'll go."

I stared after her as she rapidly approached the door. In the three seconds it took her to get to the edge of the room I felt a change. Something inside of my heart broke and I felt hopeless and alone. She was about to disappear down the hallway. "Wait," I called through a weak voice. She didn't hear me and she was gone. I jumped out of the bed and raced to the door. I rounded the corner sharply and stood in the middle of the hallway. "Wait," I called louder. She turned and faced me, her cheeks puffy, eyes red with tears. "Don't go." I pleaded, much softer.

She slowly started my way, and quickened her pace to almost a run. She stood in front of me and stared into my eyes. I let her tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "I've missed you, baby," she whispered. We walked back to my room, side by side. We sat on the bed and faced each other. "How did you find me?" I asked her.

"I read about you in the newspaper. The story was out this morning. When I realized it was about you, Avery, I was so scared."

"What did the paper say?"

"It explained that there was a fight, and that the victims were you, your brother, and two friends." She looked off into space and then asked, "I'm guessing he's Malissa's kid?"

"Matt? Yeah,"

"Do you think of him as a brother?"

"Yeah," I sighed.

"And the other two? Are they close to you?"

"My best friend and my-" My breathing became choppy. "My boyfriend." I finished. I tried not to think of him. I knew that if I did I would turn into a wreck. Something swelled in my throat and tears spilled down my cheeks. "Did the paper say anything about him? Triston Morris? Do you remember? The doctors haven't told me anything and I'm so scared!"I sobbed.

"No, honey, I'm so sorry. They couldn't disclose anything but names."

I suddenly couldn't breathe. My breaths were short and shallow and I couldn't slow down. "He's dead!" I exclaimed. "He's dead, he's dead, he's dead!" I was hyperventilating and I looked around wildly.

"Avery, calm-"

"No, Mom, he's dead! He's dead!" I cried.

"Avery!" She grabbed my arms and shook me. "Snap out of it!" I was still hyperventilating. She pulled my into her chest and squeezed me hard enough to make me stop breathing for a little. She loosened her grip and I was breathing normally again, but I was still sobbing. "He's dead," I whispered.

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