"I won't run, Mother." I said rolling my eyes.

"Good. You have chocolate on your face." He smirked as we parked in front of the school.

I frowned at him and he smirked back. He was lying... I think. I gave in and turned the rear-view mirror so I could look into it. Okay, not lying... Oh. Cadbury. That explains it. I felt my face heat and cursed at myself for eating like a child this morning as I wiped the chocolate from my chin. Kent's waffles were just so good...

"Try to keep your face clean, will you?"

I flipped Clyde off as I got out of the car and walked into school. Alright. Focus on your test.


I stared down at Kyle and he would occasionally glance at me as he spoke to the class. He looked pulled-together. So did Clyde. They didn't look like criminals in their suits. The way they spoke, the way they walked. Kyle in particular seemed to have an aura of trust radiating from him. Friendliness. Lies.

I decided I was going to call Steven, find out what he knew about all of this – or any of it.

When the lecture ended I gathered my things and began making my way out of the room but Kyle waved at me. I slowed my walking as I reached his desk. I waited as he ran through the students that wanted to ask him questions before the last one left.

"What?" I asked.

"You followed me."

"I didn't. How could I follow you without knowing where you were in the first place?" I asked. He frowned.

"Don't get smart." He snapped at me and I narrowed my eyes at him. I could see Rodrigo leaning against the wall outside the door; he was too far to hear us. "How did you know where we were?"

I shook my head deciding to get to the point. "Why doesn't Steven know that you know Declan?" I unintentionally sounded out the name with some disgust. "Why doesn't he know about the plans to blow the warehouses up?" I didn't know whether he knew or not, but I was going to assume.

"He doesn't need to."

"You're lying to the force. What are you?"

"I'm a policeman, Alexander."

"No, you're not." I said. He laughed.

"I am, but that's just to help a bigger cause." He said.

I laughed. "A bigger cause? Your gang is a bigger cause? Of what? Chaos? Get over yourself. You're trying to justify the fact that you're supposed to be a help to the public, but you're just a piece of shit."

"Call me what you want, but this is bigger than me. This is bigger than us... This is bigger than the police, Alex. Don't you see? You're playing for the wrong team. When we take over, we could give you everything you've ever wanted." Kyle smirked.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I hissed.

"Your parents. It wasn't Declan... but we know what Steven doesn't. We know who killed them." I stared at him feeling my heart thud in my chest. I clenched my teeth staring at the floor as I tried to process what he said. He knows... What did he want in return for the name? "Join us. Help me get into Clyde's head and I'll give you everything you need to know to get revenge on their murderer."

"You want me to get into Clyde's head? Meaning...?" I asked looking up.

"Find out what he's planning, what they're planning. I heard you're close to Sergio? Find out what he's doing to retaliate our plans and then I'll tell you – no, I'll SHOW you who killed your parents and when we go to war, I'll make sure your friends are safe." He said, "Think about it. It's the only scenario where none of you get killed." He said.

The Lord's Favourite Dealer (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now