Chapter 25 | Come Join Me

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Chapter 25

*Sometime later in the week*

"And Mani thought she was onto Dinah." Giggled Lauren. Camila looked to where the green eyes were looking. There on the couch were Celine and Shawn cuddled, fast asleep.

"Well that's some drama I love that we skipped."

"Say we're going to be in Miami in a couple of days." Lauren said excitedly, Camila only stared at her.


"So, that's my hometown silly. I miss it like crazy," Lauren pouted. "Especially my friends Lucy and Vero."

"OMG!" Camila said suddenly making Lauren turn to look at her.

"What, what's wrong?"



"Vercy! Vero + Lucy= Vercy!" Camila got on her phone and looked through some old posts on Lauren's Instagram. "Vercy!" Lauren looked at her screen and noticed an old picture of Lucy, Very and her all in bikinis while at the beach.

"Oh how I miss my girls. Lucy has been studying around the world and Vero, well her has been partying around all of Florida. Crazy one that girl is."

"I know! I can't wait to meet them, especially Lucy." 

"Why Lucy?" The green eyed girl was now very interested in what the smaller girl had to say.

"Well for starters, that girl is smoking, I mean the photos she posts on her IG are fucking amazing." Camila went onto Lucy's profile and looked through a few of her photos. "She is Colombian, and damn does she have a hella nice ass body." She stopped at a bikini pic Lucy had recently posted, Lauren just rolled her eyes. "And she speaks her mind."

"Hey, I do all of that too, if it weren't for me she wouldn't even have the balls to do so." Lauren crossed her arms and dropped the floor, sitting by Camila's foot, which was now out of a cast.

"Is someone jealous?" Teased Camila, also dropping to the floor, only that she sat in Lauren's lap, straddling her. "You're way better tho babe. I mean, them eyes, this hair, your skin, your style, these lips," She pecked them quickly, then ran her hands from Lauren's hair to her shoulders and down her arms. "Your eyebrows, your soft hands, hella sexy abs," Camila ran the palm of her hand up Lauren's flexing stomach.

"Where are you going with-"

"Not to mention your big rack and sexy, huge, Cuban booty." Both hands cupped Lauren's breasts and ran down to her ass, giving it a soft squeeze as best she could while in their sitting position.

"Calm down there tiger, I get the point." More like calm down before I slam you against this wall, the green eyed girl said getting a bit turned on.

"I'm going to take a short nap, wake me when it's time to go home." Lauren nodded and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend, pulling her closer so she could cradle her as best she could.


"How has Mani not taken you to a closet or something yet?" Hailee asked while walking down the hotel hallway.

"What do you mean? Did I do something?" The younger girl tilted her head and stopped at her door.

"Nah-Nah, are you oblivious or something?" Hailee giggled and lightly tapped her forehead with the palm of her hand. "Of course, I forgot how you can be." Dinah gasped dramatically and glared at her playfully.

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