Chapter 10 | Happy

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Chapter 10

(A/N:) ok so next pter will be the date sorry I don't have this story planned out.

The next morning Camila woke up with two strong arms gently holding her. She smiled as she remembered where she was and who the arms belonged to. As she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Lauren, sleeping beautifly. She looked relaxed and flawless.

From this point, Camila, noticed the tiny freckles scattered along the older girl's pale nose. Her eye brows looked even more fuller, and her long eye lashes, seemed, well longer. Not to mention her lips, they looked even plumper then what they originally are.

Camila also noticed how she had her head resting on the older girl's chest, which was raising and falling at a steady and slow pace. All she wanted to do was stare at Lauren but she needed to go pee and her stomach was starting to lowly growl.

Slowly she tried to get out of Lauren's hold, but even with her being in the arms of Morpheus, the older girl felt Camila trying to move away, so she tightened her grip a bit more. Trying to be even more stealthier, Camila grabbed the teddy bear Lauren had on the pillows, and removed herself slowly as she replaced herself with the bear.

Successfully making her way to the bathroom hall, Camila did what she needed to do. After that she started making herself something to eat and decided to make some for them all. She read somewhere that Lauren loved frenchtoast so that's what she decided to make. Eggs, butter, bread, cinnamon, vanilla, and milk, were all she needed -well that and the pan, plates, and utensils that is.

Ready to pour the ingrediants into a bowl, the bule eyed girl noticed she forgot a bowl. She started to look around for a bowl, not having success in finding one on the top counters she bent down to look in the bottom cabinets.

"Aye ma, ya got a nice ass." Whispered a huskey voice in Camila's ear, causing her to jump in surprise and hit her head.

"Oh fuck." She murmured as she rubbed her head quickly, the pain coming in quickly.

"Shit. Sorry Camz, I didn't mean to hurt you." Lauren said as she pulled the girl closer to her and gently rubbed her head. "You ok?"

"Yeah a bit. Thanks." Camila hugged Lauren's upper body, enjoying the soothing feeling that Lauren was providing. Lauren, with her free arm snaked it around the shorters girl's waist and planted a kiss at the top of her head.

"Well that's what you get for replacing yourself with the bear." Lauren teased and playfully huffed annoyed.

"Sorry but I was hungry, and you got the grip of a bear."

"Cuz I didn't want to stop holding you." Camila felt her heart flutter and smiled against the older girls chest. "So what are we going to make." Asked the green eyed beauty as she looked at the ingrediants and slightly pulled away from the hug.

Her eyes immediately widened in excitement, once she realized what those ingrediants, put together, made.

"You look like a little kid who was told they could have candy." Camila giggled as Lauren's eyes sparkled.

"Camz if your making what I think you are-"

"I am! It's your fav!"

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