Chapter 23 | The Shows Must Go On

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Thank you guys for all the votes and comments! I love reading them and laughing along with them. Also this story is rated #430 something in fan fiction! Like wow! I know it might seem to low but wow to me! Hope you guys keep enjoying!

Chapter 23

After Lauren had rushed Camila to the near by hospital, everyone else waited in the waiting room. Dinah felt terrible for being the reason why her best friend was even here. Hailee was trying to comfort her and the two boys were by her side. Sandra and Marielle were still sleeping in their hotel rooms, oblivious to the whole situation, that is until Shawn called them.

"Ok Ms. Cabello, nothing to serious." The doctor said checking his clipboard.

"That's good to hear."

"Just two broken fingers and a twisted ankle. They should be back to normal in a couple weeks."

"So other then that she's ok?" A concerned Lauren asked.

"Yep. Maintain that ankle off the floor for a week and as for the fingers, don't punch anything." He said, trying to lighten the mood. "I must ask though, are you two ladies actresses or something familiar?"

"Not to brag, but my girlfriend over here is-"

"Ah! She's multi-platinum selling artist Lauren Jaregy, right?" Camila giggled and Lauren pouted. However, he was 90% right.

"That would be me yes," She held out her hand. "but it's Jauregui."




"Close enough." They all shared a laugh and the doctor excused them both.

Camila needed crutches to walk around, which none of them had. Which would be the reason for Shawn and Austin to drive off to the local pharmacy and by them, as well as pick up the prescribed pain medicine for the blue eyed girl.

Dinah kept her distance from Camila because she felt even more terrible once Lauren told them all what happened. Camila didn't like it, Dinah was her bestfriend and she knew it wasn't the younger girl's intentions to hurt her with a small prank. In fact she would have actually laughed along with everyone if it weren't for her getting hurt.

"So how did you break your bones?" Hailee asked as she carried the crutches, Austin, Normani, Selena, Ally and Shawn following behind her.

"Well you see, I tried to hold on to something so I wouldn't fall but it failed and I landed on them instead. Resulting on me breaking them both."

"What about your ankle?" Austin sat next to Camila on her bed, everyone else copying him.

"The oil made me slip, it got twisted somehow in the process of me slipping down the hall." The doors of their hotel room opened and in came running the two missing latinas.

"Mila! We heard que te paso!"

"Estas bien? We were sleeping, we're sorry we didn't show up earlier!"

As the two latinas came into view everyone looked at them trying to hold in their laughter. Seems like someone forgot to tell them they had Dinah's artwork on their faces.

"I-I'm-m o-o-ok g-guy-y-s." Camila said trying not to laugh.

"Why is everyone looking at us like that?"

"Estabamos dormidas, we woke up like this." That's when everyone started laughing and Dinah came into the room.

"I forgot to tell you two something." Dinah said, being able not to laugh. "Both you have-"

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