Chapter 18 | Carne Asada and Trouble

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Ok so before we start I want you guys to answer a quick question. What would be the perfect vacation spot for you and what would you do there? Rule is if someone already chooses it you can't comment that! Choose another place.

Chapter 18

From: Lolo🙈💕
Hey baby! How's my fav person in the whole wide world doing?!

From: My Baby😍😘
Awww hey boo! 😚😚 I'm pumped!

Lauren grew suspicious since Camila did not reply like that then she chuckled remembering that Dinah is the only one who texts like that. So Lauren being Lauren decided to play with her.

From: Lolo🙈💕
So are ya still sore from last night? 😏

Dinah froze, that is not what she was expecting Lauren to say. Camila was currently out in the yard feeding the two large German Shepards she had. Well more like Dinah's and hers but Rose spends more time with Camila then she does with her owner.

From: My Baby😍😘
No not really...

From: Lolo🙈💕
I thought u would be after what we did 😉
Maybe we could do it again. I could try these new moves I learned. Want me to explain 😘

Oh hell nah! Dinah thought and quickly typed out another text not wanting Lauren to text her more details.

From: My Baby😍😘

From: Lolo🙈💕
So you dont want to learn those new dance moves u were complaining u wanted to learn for a long time now? Are u ok babe?

At this point Lauren was laughing hard because she could just imagine the face on the younger girl's face. Dinah had actually grown bright red and didn't know how to reply to that. Luckily for her Zayn, Rose and Camila walked in the room and jumped on the bed.

"What are you doing with my phone China?" Camila said trying to take her phone from Dinah.

"Nothing!" Dinah shouted quickly, her loud voice scaring Rose and causing her to bark. "Sorry booger." She said, booger being her nickname to the dog she rapidly grew attached with.

"Give me my phone." Camila lunged at Dinah and sat on her thighs.


Both dogs looked at their crazy owners and then decided to join in the fun. Dinah and Camila wrestled while both dogs licked at Dinah's face.

"Oh come on you flea bags, be on my side for a change!" Dinah whined, she couldn't hold back their rough tongues sticking out of their strong snouts and Camila at the same time. "Fine here take it." She huffed and that's when Zayn's tongue entered Dinah's mouth on accident.

"ZAYN!!" The poly girl shot straight up causing Camila to straddle her. Zayn rushed off of her and ran out the door Rose following right behind him.

"Aw poor Dinah had her first kiss with a dog." Camila laughed hugging Dinah who is wiping her mouth with a tissue she got from the blue eyed girl's bedside table.

"I hope you brushed his teeth this morning." She mumbled putting her blonde head in Camila's neck.

"Don't worry China, you know I always do. Actually right before you came I did." While Dinah was still cuddling Camila, she quickly took her phone and snapped a picture.

@camilacabello97: My adorable little child 😘👪 @dinahjane97

@CamilasSquad: @dinahjane97 @camilacabello97 Who be the father?

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