Chapter 14 | Rest Time

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When they woke up in the morning Lauren had to rush home so she could get ready for an interview she had with a media channel.

"I'll see ya later babe." She quickly kissed Camila's lips and rushed off to the front door, her driver already waiting for her.

"Thanks Haiz, see ya then." Hailee got crushed in a tight hug then Lauren rushed off.

"See ya! Oh. DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW ME!" Camila laughed at Hailee and at Lauren shooting her a thumbs up as she ran to the car.


"What, she's fucking Lauren Jauregui. She doesn't follow anyone or tweet anyone, unless she finds them, worthy, I guess." Hailee frowned. "Heck she doesn't even fav any tweets unless they are political, did something life changing or she agrees with them."

"Wow." Camila put a hand on Hailee's shoulder. "You seem to know her better then me."

For the rest of Camila's day, she went home and rested, thinking about the emerald eyed girl that always occupied her thoughts lately. She said she loved her last night. Love is such a strong word, sure she was always saying she loved Lauren with all her heart, but that was a fan-idol type of love. Now she actually has Lauren all to herself, them being above friend-love.

In such a short amount of time this girl has dug a hole deep in Camila's heart and is never coming out, and Camila will never think of ever getting her out. She knows that she loves Lauren as well. When she was around her, the past days, she didn't notice anyone else but her, she looked at her in a way lovers do. Butterflies appeared in her stomach when Lauren used her charm, her heart raced and flipped when Lauren complemented her or showed how much she cared for Camila.

Camila fell hard and fast for this green eyed girl, and so did Lauren. Both girls felt safe when they were around each other and they loved that and how they got along so well.


Lauren was rushing around her temporary dressing room trying to find her misplaced vintage boot. She finally found it under her leather jacket. When she picked up the jacket a bow fell from it. Picking the small object up she smiled, it was Camila's. This moring, while Camila was brushing her hair, Lauren was going to put the bow in her hair but got a text saying her driver was outside waiting to take her to the news studio for her interview.

"Lauren come on the people are waiting." Her manager Scott announced.

Sighing, Lauren, left the room and headed for the small room sitting down on a chair set up for her. She took the microphone handed to her and looked at her interviewer, Amber.

Amber: Hello ladies and gentlemen, I am here with the incredible and bad ass, Lauren Jauregui. How are you doing today Lauren?

Lauren: Hallo babes! I'm great thanks for asking Amber.

A: Great to know. So Lauren we have a few questions for you.

L: Alrighty shoot.

A: How long are you going to be on this break for?

L: Some of you may hate this, but I will be on break for one full year.

A: So long? What about your music?

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