Chapter 11 | THE DATE

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Chapter 11

It was finally the date night and Camila Cabello was stressing out over what she was going to wear. She couldn't decide which outfit to wear, skinny jeans with a crop top or a short dress with ankle boots. Dinah was sitting on the edge of Camila's bed, watching as the older girl paced around the room.

Then there was her hair. Camila had no idea how to style it. She knew something simple would do, but the only simple thing she knew was to leave her hair just how it was, but that wouldn't do for this date she thought. The fact that Austin still hadn't shown up wasn't helping her either, since he was the one who was going to doll her up.

"Aye Mila why don't you just wear whatever you feel best in." Asked Dinah, dizzy of watching the older girl pacing around.

"Because China I don't know which one is best." Camila said as she plopped down on her back next to Dinah.

"Ok then, just choose something that will make her drool." Dinah smirked s she turned her head away from the blue eyed girl. "It really doesn't matter what you wear it will still end up on the floor."

"Dinah!" Whined Camila and hit the younger girls arm.

"I'm just saying." Dinah said laughing at Camila's reaction.

MIJA HERE COMES AUSTIN UP THE DRIVEWAY! -Camila heard her mom shout from down stairs.


A few minutes later Austin entered Camila's room with a briefcase. He explained to them why he was late. Apparently Justin came back to town and he went to go pick him up at the airport. Where they got mobbed by fans and paparazzi. Camila had no time to waste she had one hour before Lauren came and she hasn't even changed.

"Here put this on and then I'll do your hair." Austin said as he pushed Camila towards the bathroom, handing her a dress and dress shoes.

Camila stripped out her clothes and slipped on the dress. When she came out Austin and Dinah looked at her in awe. Austin did her hair and make up, all of them were happy with the end product.


On the other side of town Lauren was getting ready as well. She opped for something simple yet fit for the occasion and where she was taking Camila.

A black t-shirt, her signature leather jacket, in red, skinny jeans and white high top Converse. On her face she wore minimal make up only using a bit to make her, famous, emerald orbs stand out, and chapstick.

For her hair she did nothing except run her fingers through them, since she hated running a brush through it, she felt like it made it frizzer. Her black locks falling in their natural waves down the left side of her body.

She didn't like the way it looked in the end so she pulled out a beanie and split her hair in half.

Lauren still had twenty minutes before she needed to head out so she went on Twitter, checking out her timeline. A certain article retweeted by one of her fans she follows caught her attention. She clicked on the link and read it.

Ariana vs. Lauren

Some of you may have noticed the tweeting done between the newest beautiful, Victoria's Secret Angle, Ariana Grande and her equally beautiful, blue eyed, "wifey" Camila Cabello. These two girls have known each other for sometime and we all know they are from a land where unicorns poop rainbows and nothing is straight. In other words gay, them two are very cute together when they hamg out. Some of you even ship them, calling them Camriana.

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