Chapter One - Back to Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

In the basement was the Hufflepuff common room and dormitories. They were different from the Slytherin ones. The main colour was yellow and it always seemed to be full of happiness. Tunnels led from it to the dormitory rooms which were all round. Eliza had been down there once when she had to work on an assignment with a Hufflepuff in her first year. Next to the common room were the kitchens, it was a large room with long tables identical to the ones in the great hall. All you had to do was put food on these tables for them to magically appear on the tables in the hall. The staff in the kitchen were all house-elves around about one hundred of them.

The Ravenclaw Tower was on the west side of the school. There was a huge staircase going from the first floor up to the fifth where the Ravenclaw common room was. Inside it was full of the colour blue and there was lots of space for the students to revise and do their homework. There were two more staircases leading off from it to go to the girls and the boys' rooms.

The Gryffindor Tower was located behind the portrait of the fat lady on the seventh floor. To enter you would have to say the correct password to the fat lady. When the portrait opened you would step into the common room where there were squashy armchairs, tables, and a bulletin board where school notices, ads and lost posters were posted. A window looked out onto the grounds of the school, and a large fireplace was on one of the walls. It always felt warm and welcoming and Eliza always thought it was the best - biased opinion. There were two doors leading off from the common room which led to two spiral staircases and at the top was either the girls' dormitory or the boys. The stairs to the girls' dormitory were enchanted so if any of the boys tried to go up them they would just slide back down, but there was no enchantment on the boys' staircase as it was deemed the girls were to be trusted.

The great hall was the main feature of Hogwarts. It was where everyone ate their meals, received daily owl posts, and have certain events. It was very large as it could hold all the teachers, students, staff, ghosts and guests. It had tall walls and the ceiling was enchanted to look like the sky above. There was a table at the end opposite the grand doors where all the teachers sat. And then four long tables for each house were lined up.

Eliza slipped out of her daze when someone helped her load her trunks onto the train, she looked up, surprised, to see her brother. He looked around quickly before leaning down to her 5ft 6 frame. "Be careful this year and don't get into too much trouble." He then saw their mother walking towards them. "You Gryffindor idiot, we'll beat you for sure."

Eliza saw her mother smile. "My darling son come and say goodbye to me." Dominic sauntered over to her. "Have a good year sweetheart, it's your last!"

"Yeah, I can't wait to leave Hogwarts!" Eliza rolled her eyes at her brother's antics.

"You'll be able to work with your father." Of course, the golden child would be forced to work with her perfect father and earn lots of money. Her mother's facial expression changed as she turned to her youngest "Don't you dare mess up. You've already brought enough shame onto this family by being sorted into Gryffindor." She didn't even hug her child goodbye. Her mother looked adoringly at Dominic "My baby boy." She turned hastily to Eliza "Remember what I said!" Her mother seemed to search through the busy crowd. "I must find Narcissa." And with that, she wandered off to find her friend.

"Dominic!" A tall blonde haired girl shouted in a high pitched girly voice. She sauntered her way over to him before kissing him passionately. "Why didn't you write to me over the summer?" She accused him. He kissed her again and looked into her eyes "I've missed you so much, baby." The girl said seeming to fall for the lies his eyes must have said. He did this with nearly all the girls. He had his own group of fans who he always used. Just like over the summer when he hadn't been writing to this girl, he had been with several other girls.

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