Kindling Flame [Luna]

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I kept my eyes on Lachlan as I released the kindling fire from within directly onto his hands. If this doesn't work his hands will most likely be in a lot of pain, as the fire is scorching when it's directly focused on an object, or person. Lachlan closed his eyes and I closed mine as I heard Kenny circle around us. I wasn't quite sure what was going on, but I trust Kenny. I've always trusted him. He helped me when I really needed it, and I'll never be able to repay him for that. If this thing with Lachlan doesn't work, I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't just go to another Pack member and try to fall in love with them. I am unexplainably in love with Lachlan, even after everything that he's done to scare me, hurt me, and to insult me. I care for him, and I know now, after seeing that flashback, that he, at one point, felt the same for me. Even though he doesn't feel emotions anymore, I think deep down that feeling might still be there. I have to uncover it. I have to save them at all costs. If this doesn't work, then we aren't going to be strong enough against Ali. I'm afraid that he will come for me at some point, at some point when I'm not prepared, or when I'm not paying attention. Im afraid that he will force me to hurt my friends and my family, but I won't let him do that. I will take him down for all the pain he's caused, for everything that he is done to damage my life, and everyone that I'm involved with. He wasn't always bad, and I don't get why he snapped because we never did anything to hurt him in the way that he acted as though he was hurt. When he gained those dark abilities, the darkness, it just consumed him, it made all of his emotions dark and evil. The happiness and kindness in his heart, that was once there, it disappeared, his anger, his frustrations, they became stronger and more violent. He struck Lachlan with his powers because Lachlan was in love with me. His jealousy was enhanced by the powers that he got and it caused him to let it out on the Pack. After all of this time, it was me who decided to have my young self sent away. It was in the wiser decisions to have away from there, and I'm pretty sure the guys would eventually have wanted to send me away too. I had to be the one to be sent away, there had to be one who wasn't affected by Ali's powers. If I had stayed, then we would have all been weakened, and there would be no chance against Ali.

I looked back over at Lachlan, opening my eyes and releasing the flame in my eyes to show that I was letting out all of the flame that I had inside, hoping it wasn't hurting him. Lachlan opened his eyes and looked up at me, pulling his palms back to his body. I couldn't see his hands from the angle that I was at and I was quite curious as to if he was in pain or not. Lachlan held his palms out, facing towards me. I honestly was not prepared for what I saw when he moved them into sight. His hands were intact like nothing had happened and as if I'd never released any flame on to him. This means that it worked and we were meant to be! I'll never get used to those words, never in a million years. Now the only thing that I look forward to, is seeing if this will affect the guys and their damaged abilities. Could this mean that Lachlan will finally be able to say how he feels? Vikk won't hear the voices in his head anymore? Rob can feel however he wants to and not affect everyone else in the room? Mitch will be more kind to people who are outside the Pack? Jerome will be more trusting? And Preston, his anger management won't be a problem anymore, he will finally be able to control himself again. Everyone will be back to normal, but it all starts with seeing who is affected, if it affected anyone at all.

Hey guys! Yeah, you're not hallucinating! I actually have updated a chapter on here. Did anyone miss this book me....Or me? I hope you did enjoy this longer chapter and hopefully I will be able to update a few chapters over the weekend while I'm camping. I'm not sure yet because I will have no Wi-Fi connection, but I will have data connection. So yeah, I really did miss writing the story and I'm so happy that I finally got the details for this chapter. The next chapter is a whole new story, but we'll see what happens in that chapter when it happens xP Thanks guys for all your support!

~Luna out!

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