Promises Kept [Kenny]

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"I'll see you guys later!" I chanted the same outro I had recited for the longest time.

"I'll edit this later, I'm starving." I said to myself.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where there were waffles waiting for me. I looked to the table and noticed Choco was there eating his share of waffles. I grabbed my plate and sat at the table near him.

"Thanks for the waffles." I thanked.

"No problem. How'd you know it was me?" Choco laughed.

"You are pretty much the only one who can cook decently without burning everything." I replied.

"Ah. Makes sense. Hope you enjoy them! I'm going to go record some Ark with Ashuriee. See ya later, Kenny!" Choco said, getting up and placing his plate in the sink.

"See ya dude." I replied.

I finished up my waffles with some lovely syrup that we got just the other day. Choco sure does cook amazing food, everyone else can't really cook anything, unless you count putting a frozen pizza in the oven... (Same! XP) Landon has actually burned the food before from frustration when he tried to cook. Key word "tried."

"Kenny... We need your help with something." Luna thought to me.

"What is it?" I replied.

"Mitch said there's a 'favor' that shall end today. Something like that anyways. Just hurry, it seems important." Luna explained, clearly confused as to what she was asking of me.

"Will do. I'll be over soon." I answered.

So Mitch wants to complete the favor I did for him. He wants me to give them back their memories as to why Luna can help them against Ali. I'm glad to have this lifted off of my shoulders. It's been me and Mitch all alone in this knowledge for quite some time now. Well, and Ali...but I couldn't block him out for some reason. His darkness is too strong, even for my telekenetic powers. Well....better go do my part in this. I guess this means Luna has fallen for someone, I wonder who though....

Here's a little change in POV for y'all :)
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and see ya next time!

And yes, the art is done by me. I decided to try drawing a realistic little Vikk :P

~Luna out!

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