A genius bird [Luna]

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I jolted awake, causing my body to go rolling off of the bed and onto the floor. Let's just say the floor is not soft and cuddly.... Choco ran into the room, probably worried by the loud thud that I made when I fell.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Can you stand up?" Choco asked, all in one breath.

"Yes Choco, I'm fine. I just wanted to get to know this floor better, ya know? Where are the others?" I joked, there's my famous sense of humor.

Choco laughed at my joke then walked over to me, picking me up off of the ground. He held me up for a second, then dropped me onto my feet. I was a little unsteady at first since I was literally burning hot last night from whatever that was. Nooch said he would tell me but he must be busy or something.

"Kenny, Pete, Kara, and Landon are recording/editing videos right now. I think Nooch went out to run errands and grab some food. He'll be back soon." Choco explained.

"Oh. I hope he hurries along.... He said that he found out why I was, ya know....on fire." I mumbled.

"Yeah. The blindness and burning is not a common thing. It is definitely of the supernatural kind of stuff, kinda like our abilities." Choco answered in a smart voice.

"Do you think I could have an ability?" I asked.

"Possibly. That would be cool and it would help you defend yourself from the Pack guys. They aren't that bad, usually. They must have a reason behind why they took you like they did. It'll come out eventually, don't worry." Choco explained.

"But I'm normal and always have been. If I had powers, why would they just start showing now? Why would it cause me pain as well?" I questioned.

"I don't know. Don't worry. We will find out what is wrong with you soon. We will make sure to find out before the Pack finds you." Choco answered.

"Wow. So you don't think I'm safe here then?" I asked, a little worried.

"We will protect you for as long as possible, but they have very strong powers. If they get anywhere near us Vikk will hear your thoughts immediately. We won't give in without a fight, though." Choco said, standing tall and proud.

"I never thought I would be involved in this mess, especially with my idols. Life is strange, haha." I chuckled.

"It is indeed." Choco replied.

Hello people! Hope you had a nice day! <3

~Luna out!

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