Don't look back [Luna]

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I took off running down the street, knowing that my head start wouldn't help too much against Lachlan's speed. Vikk knew that I was escaping but he didn't say anything. Good. I turned around quickly and saw no one behind me.

"Landon? Anyone following yet?" I mind linked.

"You are almost out of my reach, but no. Not yet. They are about to come after you though. Pretty clever may I add. Run!" Landon responded.

I continued to run until my legs were burning from exhaustion. I have to keep moving. I can't stop. I almost fell but I ignored the pain and kept moving at a slower speed. It's pretty dark outside and these streets are fairly empty at this time, but I still went off-road, out of sight. Smoke, circle. The smoke from the fire within starting circling my body, happy to be released at last. Carry me forward smoke, please. I hoped that my command would work. The smoke lifted me off the ground and moved me forward at a running pace. Good. I kept moving forward until my flame had weakened.

"What are you doing around here this late, girl?" A voice called.

"Yeah, it's not exactly safe for you to be out here at this time. I mean we won't hurt you, but others might." Another voice called out.

"I think I can defend my self perfectly fine. You guys wouldn't hurt me, right?" I responded.

"Nah. There's no need to harm you." The first voice called back.

I think I know who these guys are.... I wonder what side they are on....

"Yo, who's side are you on?" I asked.

"Huh?" The second voice asked, sounding confused.

"Come down here you weirdos."

"Why do you trust us?" The first voice questioned.

"What reason do I have to not trust y'all?" I chuckled, I know who they are, or I hope so. But will I be in trouble here? Will Lachlan find me? I'm so screwed when he finds me. What have I done to myself, like jeez.

I'm a cruel person, I know. Who do you guys think our 2 mystery characters are? (I guess if you get it right I'll mention you at the end of my next chapter?) Good luck!

~Luna out!

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