Not natural [Lachlan]

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We all exchanged worried glances as the girl shivered and spoke dark words about killing us. She even said something about me sacrificing myself and dying to Rob. What is she having a nightmare about? The hunger games? She continued to shake and talk more in her sleep as we drove on. We had a long ways to go to get home and we had to do it in the evening so we would have the cover of night. Suddenly the girl started screaming bloody murder in her sleep and I wasn't sure what to do. Mitch quickly reacted and covered her mouth to prevent her from screaming. She stopped but she continued to shake like she was having a seizure.
"Hey. Are you okay?! Wake up!" Vikk yelled.
She suddenly stopped and I noticed her trying to turn her head for a second. She must have realized that she was still blindfolded cause she layed back down. I could have sworn I heard her crying and I felt bad, but no I can't feel sympathy for her, it must be Rob doing this. When he becomes sad or sympathetic everyone in the room is affected by it. Yes, it is his supernatural power. We all have one. Rob can affect emotions and sometimes affect people's judgement, causing them to do things they wouldn't normally do. I have superspeed but I don't usually use it unless I have to. Vikk can read minds which I absolutely hate him doing. He usually doesn't use it on us but he does it to get on my nerves on occasion. Preston, weirdly enough, can control fire. His flame can either be painful or not painful but it all depends on his mood and whether or not he wants to hurt you. Mitch can knock people out with a single touch and when he is at his strongest, he can control your movements and control your mind. As for Jerome... He definitely has the weirdest ability. He has enhanced senses of smell and hearing but his eyesight is normal. Him being colorblind doesn't help. He is the only one of us that can morph into a creature. He can actually turn into a bacca, which helps him climb trees along with smelling like a wet dog most of the time.

I wonder how this girl will react to us... Considering we aren't normal humans and she obviously knows who we are.

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