Chapter 25 : And I found a fRiend in YoU

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She frowned looking at me, I looked back smiling , trying to reassure her, she's not alone, she won't have to be alone with him in the elevator, she smiled to my smile feeling relieved while I hold the elevator for my boss who came in no hurry as if waiting him was a pleasure to us, urr sometimes I hated working for him.

He stood inside , giving us his back, didn't open his mouth or said a word, we both remained quiet too, I looked at Rahaf briefly , she looks troubled, his presence affected her, shook her, I wonder how she's going to go with them in a trip and spend days with him, she has already been through a lot, she has just walked out of a bad marriage, a poisoned one, she shouldn't have any men troubles any soon, she should look after herself now, and I know he will bring her no good, I told her he's not the kind of man who look for any kind of a stable relationship, she shouldn't fool herself thinking she's special , cause Sarah said that too and others did, but they were all wrong, been around him lead only to troubles and heartbreaks.

He's not the most pleasant person, he can be rude, arrogant sometimes, he can be unbearable, he knows how to destabilize someone, how to make you shake, he will find your weakness after a short conversation and based on them he will treat you. Of course there are some advantages of working for him, he's punctual, organized, serious, with a vision and rarely he makes me feel like he's a human being.

-Have a good holidays Ladies, his voice brought me back to reality

-Thank you Mr.Watson, I said while Rahaf just nodded as if he can see her from his back

The elevator doors were opened, he gets out first then we followed behind him, once outside the building, we walked fast under the rain, we exchanged only a few casual words on our way to the bus stop, when we arrived, Rahaf closed her umberalla and we both hided under the shelter waiting for our bus, each one had to take a different one.

-Enjoy your holiday and don't think much, everything will be allright , I reassured.

-Thank you, she smiled looking tired.

I gave her a quick hug, then left to take my bus, when I entered and took a seat , I looked through the window to see her waving me still smiling, I waved back, smiling thinking how crazy beautiful she can be, people start gazing us, thinking we're some sort of crazy persons but we didn't stop waving until the bus went far and I could no longer see her, I hope her bus won't take long.

-Good bye, I shouted for the window.

-Good bye, enjoy the holiday !! She screamed.


Rahaf's Pov :

I arrived home after an hour feeling exhausted, I went straight to the bathroom, washed and make wudua, Aishaa Prayers were called when I was on the road, after that I went to my room,put the rug and start praying. Later , I heard a knock on the door , after a bit the door was opened, and I heard Martha's voice

-Hey sweety, you arrived ?

Of course I couldn't and didn't answer because I was praying and I can't talk while praying.

Moments of silence

-Rahaf ? She questioned, but not getting any answer

More silence, then I heard the door closed, I guess she left, I finished my prayer feeling bad cause I get disturbed, made duaa, I asked Allah to make the best of this journey, to protect me and keep me safe, to guide me always to the right path.

Once I finished, I felt really tired so I just laid down in my bed, still haven't even changed my clothes, I shall see Martha's later, few minutes of rest won't hurt.

I woke up in the dark, couldn't see a thing, I used my hand to search for my phone on the night table, after crashing in many things, I finally managed to put it in my hand, I illuminated it, my eyes widened when I saw the time, it's been two hours, dinner time have passed and I was still a sleep, I was only meant to take a quick nap, I rushed out of my bed, checked myself in the mirror for like 5 seconds and hurried downstairs, I found the dining room empty, confused, not knowing what to do, I walked few steps until I found myself in the family living room, Martha was sitting on the couch, looking at the window, she seemed concerned, thoughtful, I wonder what's bothering her .

-Hi, I said and sited in the sofa next to her.

She turned to me smiling before she asked

-Did you slept well ?

-Yes and so much, I laugh.

-Claire told me you were sleeping so I told her to lets you rest and ate before you, did you took dinner ?

-No, not yet, I replied. I 'm starving.

-I shall ask Claire to prepare you dinner then, do you want to take it here ? she asked.

-Yes, why not ?!

She gets up and walked toward the door, called for Claire and spoke with her while I sit inside alone looking around me. It didn't take long for Martha to join me again, she sits quietly, looking in the void again.

-Sorry about earlier, I was praying and I can't talk in prayer.

-Oh, It's fine, I have guessed that, when I received no answer, though it was a bit strange.

-How is that ? I asked confused.

-You seemed in an another world, another dimension, don't know, I never saw a Muslim praying so it was a bit strange, different, you know what I mean, she answered.

-Yes, it's quite different and yes prayer is the connection between human and Allah so you kind of go to another dimension

She nodded in understanding then added :

-I wanted to inform you that Allan will come tomorrow morning to take us, so you should prepare your baggage if you haven't yet.

-Oh, yes, there are a couple of things I still haven't put yet in my suitcase, I will finish preparing after dinner.

-Okay darling, that would be great, set your alarm clock early. She requested

-Sure I will.

Claire appeared with my plate and cup, she put everything on the table, served then called me, I went and took my place, ate my soup silently, Martha seemed very strange today, these last days, she has been so excited about the trip that she wouldn't stop talking about it but today she seems in another planet, something is bothering her, making her upset, I wonder if it has anything to do with Allan's call.

-Is everything all right Martha ? I asked, worried

-Yes, darling, I 'am just a bit tired, today has been so long, I should go to rest early

I nodded in understanding, not wanting to ask more, it doesn't seem like she's just tired, but something more and she clearly doesn't want to talk about it.

-Good Night Rahaf, she gets up and left the room slowly.

I finished my dinner quickly, then went back to my room, I better finish packing the rest of my things and go to bed, tomorrow is going to be a very long day. 

Salam guys, girls, 

hope u're all doing great 

after the long wait, here is finally a new chapter with a new pov , it was fun to write in a light and cheerful person, i thouht it was time to find out how she sees Rahaf, what she think, anyway, i hope u enjoyed the chapter , if you do, let's me know what's ur fav part or ur least favorite one, what youu think of it, i'm always happy and glad to hear from you

Thank you so much :))


Once Upon A Stranger  "Islamic Story" #Wattys2016Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon