Chapter 04 : Nothing Is EVer PErfect

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The first week is over, it's been a bit rough,a lot of work had to be done, they were days when I though I'm going crazy with all these works, I use to arrive home so tired, not able to do anything before I get some rest, my house is a bit messy, it's what happen when you don't clean it for a week, this weekend Insha Allah I will catch up with everything.

 The morning has been already over and no word yet, I went to take my lunch alone as usually, when I reached the elevator, I saw Clara there waiting, I salute her first once I was there standing next to her, there are other employers here but I don't know any, it was Clara who gave me all my assignments this week.

-Hey you, she replied smiling, going for lunch?

I nodded quickly

-So do I, let's go together then.

-Sure thing, I replayed with an honest smile cause I was really looking for some distraction and company so I won't keep thinking whether I will be accepted or not and she seems to be a nice person.

We walked outside the building together quietly, then I showed her where I use to buy my sandwich, that restaurant was a halal one, where I can eat food that's not forbidden in Islam.

-So you can't eat  everything? She asked

-Yes, Muslims don't eat pork meat and any other product that comes from it, also the others animal meat like the sheep ; the animal shouldn't be killed but slaughtered and Allah name must be mentioned, lucky me there is a Muslim restaurant near I buy from it then go to eat in the park alone.

She looked  at me very confused, I can see it's the first time she heard this then she said:

-It seems very complicated, why all this rule? And why do you follow them?

-It's not complicate at all, it's for you because it's the first time you hear it, this way it's better; healthy, the other ways are harmful and cause illness, and I follow it because I believe it, If a doctor tell you can't eat that anymore it is bad for your health then you won't, for me it's not a doctor, it's my creator so how can I not !!

-All right then, I will eat healthy Muslims food today in the park.

I looked at her not knowing if she is convinced or she was joking about it, her face were same, all smiling, surely I didn't explain her well of what harms, but I gave her a hint then she can look herself if she's interesting or ask me to bring her the proof but she didn't,  I sigh in disbelief of her reaction then we went as it's planned.

We were sitting in the park, the only sounds we could hear were the dove singing and the trees sound when the wind move their branches tenderly as if the wind doesn't want to hurt them, only move them, allow them to dance.

Clara cuts our silence and said:

- It's beautiful here, can you believe I never came here even though it's been 4 years since I begin working at BAA.

-"No, I can't believe it", I said it laughing not able to stop myself, I couldn't come out with a better answer, she begin laughing too when she heard me and said while she was still laughing : "it seems like I missed a lot, I'm very thankful to you "  she stopped for a bit to contain her laugh so she can speak then continued:  "you're unbelievable person, you know that right ?"

-"Yes, I'm", I said with a wide smile on my face.

Then we begin laughing again, time passes very fast when you're enjoying it, having fun, I was really happy; she could make me laugh, she didn't though I'm strange at all.

-Don't you feel  lonely Rahaf here,  surrounded only by this high trees? She asked.

-No, never. I actually like trees so much and enjoy  theirs companies,  just look at them, how beautiful, how big and high they're but in the same time, so humble, so giving,  the trees teach us a lot and say much to us if only we listen to them, they're living beings just like us.

Once Upon A Stranger  "Islamic Story" #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now