Part 28

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After they had transported the Energon to a new location - deep inside of a volcano - Ratchet opened a ground bridge back to their base. The team walked through the humans riding on some of their shoulders. Jordan carried her human body in her hand as she walked. When they got to the base, Jordan set her human self down for the others to move. They took her to her bedroom and came back a minute later.

"So, Jordan," Smokescreen said. "Care to enlighten us on your upgrade?"

Jordan laughed. She told them about what had happened after the boulders crashed on top of her and her conversation with Primus, creator of the Cybertronian race. She explained that because Wildstrike had chosen her to give his memories, she bounded with his spark, becoming part Cybertronian as a human. Everyone stood astounded by her words. When she finished, everyone was quiet. Until Miko spoke.

"That. Is. AWESOME!" she exclaimed. "I mean, how cool is this?! You're an Autobot now! Man, I wish I was an Autobot."

"I can't believe this!" Ratchet said. "It doesn't seem possible!"

"It is very possible, Ratchet. If you want to be sure, you can check with your scanner."

Ratchet nodded and pressed a button on his arm. Jordan smiled as Ratchet scanned her and checked the results.

"Unbelievable!" he said. "You have Wildstrike's brain waves along with your own, creating an entirely new set of brain waves! Incredible!"

"Now that you're an Autobot," Bulkhead said, "are you planning on staying or going solo for a while?"

"There's nowhere else for me to go, Bulk," Jordan said. "I'm staying."

Miko, Jack, and Raf cheered. Ultra Magnus turned to Optimus.

"I believe it is time for us to go," he said. "It was a pleasure serving with you again, Optimus."

"And you, Ultra Magnus," Optimus replied. "Ratchet, set a ground bridge to return our friends back to their previous coordinates."

Ratchet nodded and had the ground bridge ready in less than a minute. Ultra Magnus turned into his truck form and drove through the portal. It closed after he disappeared, then reopened for Wheeljack.

"Good seeing you again, Bulk," he said. He looked at Miko. "You, too, kid."

"Take care, Jackie," Bulkhead said.

Wheeljack also turned into his vehicle form and drove through.

"Guess I'm next," Knockout said. "Contact me if you ever need any assistance again."

"Will do, Knockout," Optimus said.

A new portal opened and Knockout, in vehicle form, drove away. The ground bridge closed and Ratchet looked at Smokescreen.

"Would you like a ground bridge as well, Smokescreen?" he asked.

"Naw," Smokescreen replied. "I think I'm going to hang around here for a while."

Ratchet nodded. Jordan leaned against a stack of crates. Arcee walked over to her.

"It'll be good to have another girl on the team," she said. "No one really understands us at some points."

"Very true," Jordan laughed. "Don't worry, Arcee. I got your back."

Optimus turned to look at Jordan.

"Would you like to visit anyone, Jordan?" he asked. "I'm sure there are people who would like to know what had become of you."

Jordan nodded.

"I should probably go see my parents," she said. "They'll be worried sick, but will probably freak out if they found out I was a giant talking robot."

"We'll go with her, Optimus," Jack said. "We can tell her parents that there was an accident while we were climbing."

"Very well. Take Ratchet with you."

Raf and Jack went to go and get Jordan's human form. Ratchet set coordinates for an area a few miles from Jordan's old home. Optimus stood at the controls, ready to pull the lever when ready. Jordan and Ratchet turned into vehicle forms - Jordan was a Camaro with purple flames on the hood and sides - and waited for the boys. Miko climbed into Jordan's passenger seat and buckled in. A moment later, Jack and Raf came from Jordan's old room wheeling a stretcher between them. The two lifted it into the back of Ratchet and Jack climbed in, closing the doors. Raf climbed into Jordan's driver seat, giving Optimus a thumbs up. Optimus pulled down the lever, activating the ground bridge. Ratchet and Jordan drove through, arriving in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. Jordan took the lead and drove down the road towards her house. Ratchet followed close behind with his sirens on, in case humans were nearby.

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