Part 27

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Bumblebee looked around him. His friends were defeated. Only he still stood and he was trying to help dig out Jordan from a pile of rubble. His arm turned into a blaster and he shot at Airachnid. The Cybertronian glared at his, dodged each blast, then shot webbing at Bumblebee, trapping him against the canyon wall. He glanced at Arcee, whose head was down and her eyes were closed.

"Get to work!" Megatron said. "I want this Energon on the Nemesis now!"

Suddenly, there was the roar of an engine. Bumblebee looked up as a car drove over the edge of the canyon and transformed into a robot. The robot landed on its feet and faced Megatron.

"You aren't going anywhere with that Energon, Megatron," the robot said. Bumblebee seemed to recognize the voice, but couldn't quite remember where he had heard it before. He had never meet this Cybertronian.

"And who's going to stop us?" he laughed. "You?"

The robot smirked. Its hands turned into blades like swords.

"Yeah. Me."

Megatron laughed even harder.

"Seize her!" he ordered.

While some Decepticons stayed to guard the Autobot warriors, four ran towards the stranger. The soldier ducked at the last second before the Decepticons collided with her. She knocked two off their feet and threw another one at the canyon wall. She looked at the last one and smirked. She ran towards it, jumped into the air and off his chest, launching herself towards Arcee and Bumblebee. She quickly cut the webs and smiled at them.

"Get the others up," she said. "They aren't leaving with the Energon. Not while we still stand."

Arcee smiled and ran towards the other bots. Bee studied the soldier. She was a little taller than Arcee, her eyes were electric blue, and she was silver and black with purple flames. She turned and ran towards Airachnid, who was a little stunned at her arrival. The two fought for several moments before Arcee jumped in again. Bee looked at the other Bots. They were up and fighting again with renewed strength. The silver soldier turned her attention to Starscream who had tried to shoot a missile at her, but missed.

"I don't know who you are, Autobot," he said, "but I will scrap you like I have many other Bots!"

"You can try, Starscream."

The soldier and Starscream began dueling, trying to land punches in the other's side. The mystery robot punched Starscream in the jaw and threw him at the canyon wall. When he looked up, one of her swords was pointed at his face.

"What do you think, Starscream?" she asked him. "Do you still think I won't last long?"

Starscream froze, shocked.

"You!" he stumbled. "But how?! You were crushed under those boulders."

"I'll leave you to find out for yourself."

Her arm turned back to normal and she punched Starscream in the stomach, then knocked him over. She looked around at the others. Arcee was fighting Airachnid - and winning - while Knockout, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Wheeljack, Smokescreen, and Ultra Magnus fought Megatron's mini-army - and they were also winning. She spotted Optimus, who was locked in combat with Megatron. The two fought with great strength, each trying to blast each other, only to have the blast knocked away. After a few moments of this, Megatron punched Optimus in the head, knocking him off balance. He landed another punch to his chest, knocking him over. Megatron stood over Optimus, triumphantly. When Optimus tried to get up, Megatron put his giant foot on his chest, pinning him down.

The warrior ran at Megatron. She knocked him off of Optimus and into the canyon wall. She extended her hand and pulled Optimus to his feet.

"Thank you, soldier," he said. "Let us end this."

Her arms transformed into swords and she lifted her foot slightly off the ground. Optimus grabbed her foot and threw her at Megatron. Her blades sliced across his chest. With Megatron off balance, Optimus shot a few blasts at him. Megatron stumbled back and after a moment, collapsed in front of them.

"Lord Megatron!" Starscream shouted. "Decepticons! Retreat! Return to the Nemesis!"

One robot tried to grabbed a piece of Energon, but Bulkhead, Wheeljack, and Smokescreen had their weapons pointed at him.

"Don't even think about it," Bulk said.

A ground bridge opened and the Decepticons ran through, Starscream first. Two of the soldiers dragged Megatron through the portal before it closed. The Autobots turned their weapons towards Airachnid, who was leaning against the canyon wall from her fight with Arcee.

"If you want to keep those spider legs, Airachnid," the mystery soldier said, "I suggest you better get moving. There are multiple people here who would be more than happy to take those from you."

Airachnid growled and pushed herself off the wall.

"This isn't over," she said. She jumped into the air and transformed into her helicopter form, flying away.

The Autobots relaxed and they put their weapons away. Everyone began congratulating each other on their fights. The soldier walked over to the humans. They looked up at her, sadness on their faces. The warrior grabbed a boulder and pulled it from the pile. She kept doing this until it was cleared. At the bottom was Jordan, her eyes closed. Miko, Jack, and Raf rushed to her side. The warrior knelt down to watch them.

"Is she okay, Raf?" Miko asked.

Raf tried to find a pulse in multiple spots, then shook his head sadly.

"She's gone," he said.

"That's not entirely true, Raf," the warrior said. They looked at her confused. The Autobots had come over and stood behind them in a semi-circle. She smiled. "She's still here."

"What do you mean?" Miko said, almost demanding and explanation.

"She's right here."

The warrior pointed to herself.


The warrior laughed a little.

"Do I look different?"

"Jordan?" Arcee said, still puzzled.

The warrior turned to her.

"Hey, Arcee."

Everyone stared, shocked. Miko walked up to her and looked her straight in the eyes. They stayed like this for a moment before Miko broke into a wide grin and tried to hug the robot's giant ankle.

"It is you, Jordan!" she exclaimed. "It's really you!"

"But, how?" Bulkhead asked.

"It's a confusing story and right here might not be the best place to tell it," Jordan said. "How about we get rid of some of this Energon, then head back to base. I'll explain it all there."

Rebooted and Rewired (TFP fan-fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz