Part 9

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Jordan ducked as another one of Airachnid's legs shot into the wall.

"My patients is running out," Airachnid said. "I'll give you one more chance."

"That won't be necessary," a voice said.

Airachnid spun around. Bulkhead pulled her away from the wall. Arcee's hand turned into guns and she began shooting at her enemy. Bumblebee helped free Jordan. He began beeping.

"I'm okay, Bee," Jordan said. "Let's hurry and get out of here."

Bee turned into his car form and Jordan climbed in. Bulkhead did the same.

"Come on, Arcee," he said.

A portal opened and Bee drove through. Arcee, still shooting at Airachnid, ran towards the portal. Bulkhead drove in a head of her. Arcee punched Airachnid and ran through the portal just before it closed, leaving Airachnid alone.

Bee's door opened and Jordan climbed out. She was welcomed back by Ratchet and Optimus.

"Are you alright?" Ratchet asked.

"Yeah," Jordan said. "I'm okay. Thanks for coming when you did."

"We received your call only moments ago. I'm glad we established that when we did."

"Yeah," Arcee said, "but now we know that others know about the information that Jordan has."

"That is true," Optimus said. He looked at Jordan. "I think it would be best if you remained here. Until we could figure out what to do next."

Jordan sighed.

"Alright," she said. "Could I atleast stop into town every once and a while to get stuff like food?"

"If you must. Bumblebee will take you again tomorrow."

For the rest of the day, the Autobots worked to discover where and what the Decepticons were up to. Jordan was tired so she decided to go and take a nap. The Autobots had given her her own room, which was large for a human, but very small for an Autobot. Jordan laid down on the bed and took a nap.

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