Part 4

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 Jordan looked around. It was completely dark. The ground suddenly began to shake and Jordan felt herself being lifted off the ground. She looked down and saw she was in a giant hand. She heard deep, evil laughter from above her head. She looked and saw a large face with glowing red eyes that were filled with hatred. The figure laughed and the hand beneath Jordan's feet disappeared. She began to fall into the blackness below.

Jordan shot up in bed. It was three in the morning and she was still in her room. She slowly got out of bed and walked towards her window. Bumblebee was still outside in the lawn. She sighed and got changed into jeans and a tee-shirt. She took her phone and keys and put them in her bag. She opened her door and walked down the hall. She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. She took a piece of paper and quickly wrote her parents a note, explaining that she couldn't sleep and was going for a drive. Once she hung it on the fridge, she walked outside, closing the door behind her, and walked up to Bumblebee. The driver door opened and Jordan climbed into the seat. The engine started and Bumblebee drove away from the house. He beeped when they were a mile away from her home.

"I'm alright, Bee," Jordan said. "I just couldn't sleep. I've been thinking too much about what's happened in the past few days."

Bee beeped again.

"I don't know where I want to go. I guess we could go back to see the other bots."

Bumblebee began beeping happily. Jordan smiled.

"I guess I can understand you. Like Ratchet said, I have Wildstrike's memories. I guess that mean I can understand what you are saying."

Bee beeped once more and a green-blue portal opened a few feet in front of them. They drove through and ended up in back at the robot's' base. They were greeted by the larger green robot.

"Welcome back, Bee," he said. "Glad your back."

Bumblebee opened his door and Jordan climbed out. Bee's door closed and he transformed into his robot form.

"The others are in the next room, deciding on what our next move is." The robot looked down at Jordan. "You can join us if you want."

"That's okay," Jordan replied. "I think I'll let you discuss your plans by yourselves. It seems very important and I would hate to interfere."

The robots nodded and walked out of the room. As they walked out, the girl robot walked in. She glanced at Jordan and walked towards a large box. She sat down and the two were silent. Jordan looked at the robot, but then looked at the floor when the robot glanced at her.

"What were you looking at?" the robot asked.

"Nothing really," Jordan said. "Is it weird being the only girl on the team?"

The robot laughed.

"Sometimes. I'm Arcee."

"Jordan. Did you know Wildstrike?"

Arcee nodded.

"We were partners for a while."

"I know Bumblebee turns into a car," Jordan said. "What do you turn into?"

Arcee stood up and transformed into a motorcycle. She stayed like this for a moment, then turned back into her robot form.

"That's pretty cool," Jordan said.

Arcee smiled and the two were quiet for a minute. Jordan glanced into the next room and saw the other robots talking.

"What are the others' names?" she asked.

Arcee followed Jordan's gaze.

"Bulkhead and Optimus Prime. Bulkhead is clumsy and jokes around a lot. Optimus is our leader. He takes everything pretty seriously."

"Oh." Jordan again looked into the next room. "What are they working on, again?"

"They're trying to decided what our next plan against the Decepticons is."

Jordan watched as Ratchet pulled up a large map of the world. Jordan tried to listen to what they were saying.

"Based on my research," Ratchet said, "the Decepticons are in this general area." The map zoomed in on Mexico. "It will take me a while to find out where exactly they are, but the best thing we could do is scout out the area."

As Ratchet spoke, Jordan had images flash in her mind. She was a large battle ship with giant robots working. Another image flashed. It was a map that was similar to the one Ratchet had, but the map was zoomed in on a different location. The images disappeared and Jordan stared at the map that the robots were studying.

"They're looking in the wrong area," Jordan whispered.

"What?" Arcee asked."

"They're looking in the wrong area," Jordan said again, looking at Arcee.

Jordan walked into the next room, Arcee following close behind her. Bumblebee heard them approaching and turned to look at them. He tilted his head sideways, confused why they had joined them. He knelt down so he was almost at eye level with Jordan. He started to beep, asking why she had come into the room.

"I noticed you were looking in the wrong area on your map," Jordan said.

The robots turned and looked at her.

"What was that?" Bulkhead asked.

"You're looking in the wrong area," Jordan said again.

"Impossible," Ratchet said. "I've spent all night trying to find the Decepticon base."

Bee opened his hand, which Jordan climbed into. He lifted her up so she could see the computer more clearly.

"I understand that," Jordan said, studying the map, "but the Decepticons are using cloaking devices and fake signals to lead you down the wrong path."

She looked at the controls to the computer. She climbed off Bumblebee's hand and began typing in different codes. The screen began to change with every button she pushed.

"What are you doing?" Ratchet asked. "You'll lose the signal."

"Let her finish what she's doing, Ratchet," Arcee said.

The robots watched as Jordan continued typing in codes. She seemed to know their system very well. After a minute, the screen showed another map showing an open area in New Mexico. Jordan hit one more button and an outline of a large ship appeared in the area. She looked at the robots, who were all looking at the map she had pulled up.

"Incredible," Ratchet said. "The Decepticons almost had us fooled and in the opposite direction." He looked at Jordan. "How did you manage to know where they were?"

"I believe," Optimus said, "that some of the information Wildstrike collected and gave to Jordan from the Decepticons will prove useful in order to plan our next moves."

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