Part 18

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Bumblebee transformed into his car form and opened the doors. Jordan climbed into the front seat. Raf sat in the passenger seat and Miko and Jake sat in the back. They buckled up as 'Bee closed the doors. A ground bridge opened up in front of them and Bumblebee drove right through it. When they came out of the bridge, the group found themselves near Jordan's home.

"Remember," Jordan said. "We're only going here to visit my parents briefly and tell them we're going on a trip to the Grand Canyon. I'll probably grab some things from my room as well."

They soon arrived at Jordan's home and Bumblebee parked himself outside. The four humans climbed out and walked towards the front door. Jordan opened the door and lead them inside.

"Mom?" she called. "Dad?"

"Jordan?" Mrs. Stone appeared at the end of the hall. "Jordan! It's so good to see you! It's been forever, but your friends have told me that you were staying with them for a while."

Jordan smiled at the others.

"And I'm thankful that they did so I wasn't worrying you."

"Would you all like a snack?"

"Sure," the others said.

"I'll have one in a second, but I'm going to go and change first," Jordan said.

Jordan hurried to her room and changed into a new set of jeans, a teal and white flannel, hiking boots, and pulled her hair back with a teal bandana. She closed her door and walked to the kitchen where she found her friends eating cookies and talking with her mom.

"Jordan," Mrs. Stone said. "Your friends tell me that you're going on a trip to the Grand Canyon."

"Yes, we are," Jordan replied. You just don't know how dangerous this trip will be.

"Well, be safe. I can't wait to hear all about it."

Jordan smiled and told her friends that they should get going. The four thanked Mrs. Stone for the snack and hurried out the door. Bumblebee opened his doors and let the humans back in. Once they were settled, he drove away from Jordan's home, waiting until they were a safe distance away before requesting a ground bridge.

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