Part 23

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"Come on, Bee!" Raf said. "We have to hurry!"

Bumblebee sped up. Jordan directed him so they were getting closer to the Energon.

"We're almost there," she said. "Just a little further, Bee!"

Suddenly, there was an explosion to their left.

"What was that?!" Miko exclaimed.

Jack looked out the back window.

"Starscream is firing at us!" he said to the others.

"Get us out of here, Bee!" Raf said.

Bumblebee's sped up and swerved to avoid the missiles that Starscream was firing. Jordan looked up ahead; they were coming up on the Energon's location.

"Hold up, Bee!" she said. The Autobot steered himself so they were hidden behind a large rock. Jordan climbed out of the car, followed by the other humans. Bumblebee transformed and looked at her, curiously. "We're close to the Energon. Can you distract Starscream for a few minutes? I'm going to contact Ratchet and tell him to get the others here so we can get that Energon out of here."

Bumblebee nodded and told them to be careful. Jordan nodded, smiling, and hurried out from behind the rock. Starscream flew down and transformed in front of her. He grinned evilly.

"You can't escape me, girl," he said, reaching for her.

Bumblebee suddenly punched him, knocking him away from Jordan. Jordan, who pulled out her phone, hurried past the two robots, Miko, Jack, and Raf following close behind her.

"Ratchet!" Jordan said into her phone. "We're getting close to the Energon. Once we're there, you guys need to take a ground bridge and get over here."

"Alright, Jordan," Ratchet said. "I'll be waiting for your signal."

The humans ran around the corner of the canyon and froze. In front of them were tons of colorful glowing rocks.

"Energon," Raf breathed.

"Ratchet, we found it," Jordan said.

"Setting your coordinates," the Autobot replied. "Be there in a moment."

Jordan hung up and put her phone away. Behind her, she could still hear Bumblebee fighting Starscream, but a car was approaching them. She heard it transform and join the battle.

Knockout, Jordan thought.

A moment later, a ground bridge opened in front of them. The humans watched as a figure began to walk out. Miko gasped. It was Megatron.

"Thank you, human," he said. "You've found the Energon for me."

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