Part 5

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 The next few hours were spent by doing multiple tests and planning. Soon, Bumblebee brought up the fact that Jordan had not eaten a very big breakfast and that she could use a rest.

"I suppose you are right, Bumblebee," Optimus said. "Take Jordan into town so she can get the things she needs."

"Is it alright I stop at my house first?" Jordan questioned. "I'd at least like to tell my parents I'm with friends so they don't worry about me."

Optimus agreed to this and Ratchet opened the portal. Bee transformed and Jordan climbed into the driver's seat. They drove through the portal and came out near her house. After a few minutes, Jordan got out of the car and walked into her house.

"Jordan?" a voice asked. "Is that you, sweetie?"

"Yeah, mom," Jordan replied. "It's me."

Jordan walked into the kitchen and saw her mom making breakfast. It was eight in the morning.

"I saw your note and wasn't sure when you'd be back," her mom said.

"Well, here I am," Jordan said. "I'm going to be out for the day. One of my friends invited me to spend the night at their house. I just came to get my stuff."


Jordan ran to her room and grabbed her wallet. She slipped it into her bag. She hurried back down stairs, said goodbye to her mom, and ran out the door.

"Come on, Bee," she said. "Let's stop in town and grab some food."

Bee's engine started and he drove towards town. They stopped at the local gas station to grabbed some donuts and energy snacks. Once she had purchased her things, Jordan walked outside and headed towards Bumblebee. A police car caught her eyes as it slowly drove towards her. She felt like she recognized it. Suddenly, an image of a robot that looked similar to the police car appeared in her mind. Jordan ran towards Bee and climbed in the car.

"Go, Bee!" she said.

Bee took off out of the parking lot, the police car quickly following. Bee quickly got out of town and the police car followed. When they were out of sight of the town and houses, the police car transformed into a robot. It ran towards Bee and tried to grab the trunk. Bee swerved out avoid being caught and sped ahead. He quickly opened his door and told Jordan to get out.

"What are you doing, Bee?" she asked, once Bee's door closed.

Bumblebee turned into his robot form. He told her that they wanted the information she had. The Autobots couldn't afford to lose her. The other robot tried to grabbed Jordan, but Bee punched him away. Bumblebee told her to stay behind him.

The robot came back and Bee's hands turned into guns. He began shooting at the other robot. The two fought, trying to hit and blast each other. Jordan backed away from the fight, not wanting to get crushed by one of the robots. She suddenly heard a helicopter coming towards them. She looked up in the air and saw a black helicopter flying towards the group. Jordan stared as it suddenly transformed into a robot with giant spider legs. She looked at Jordan and smiled.

"Airachnid," Jordan muttered.

"Well," the robot said. "I guess I'm not forgotten."

Images flashed in Jordan's mind of this robot. She hunted robots and species for sport. Jordan looked at Bumblebee.

"Bee!" she said. "Call for some backup! We have company!"

Bee looked at Jordan and saw Airachnid. He nodded and punched the police car robot in the face.

"None of that is really necessary," Airachnid said. "All I want is the information you have."

"Well good luck getting that," Jordan said, slowly backing away from the robot.

"Oh, I plan on getting it. One way or another."

Jordan turned on her heel and ran. As she did, a portal opened. Arcee and Bulkhead came through. Arcee immediately saw Airachnid. Her hands turned into guns.

"I'll handle this," she said.

"Oh, Arcee," Airachnid said. "How nice of you to join the party."

Arcee started firing at her foe. Airachnid dodged each blast. She jumped into the air, shot webs at Bulkhead, and drilled into the ground. The webs stuck to Bulkhead, causing him to fall over. Arcee stared down the whole where Airachnid had disappeared down.

"Be ready for anything!" she said. "Airachnid's not one to run away from a fight."

The ground shook beneath Jordan's feet. She jumped out of the way as Airachnid shot out of the ground.

"You can't run from me," she said.

"Run, Jordan!" Arcee shouted.

Jordan started to run away from Airachnid, who put her hand to her mouth imitating a yawn.

"Why even try? There's no use."

She shot webs at Jordan, which stuck to her feet. Jordan nearly fell over. Arcee began shooting at Airachnid. Bee punched the police car to the ground then ran to help Bulkhead. The police car got back up and tried to attack Arcee, who turned and shot him in the chest. Airachnid walked towards Jordan, who was struggling to get the webs off her ankles. Jordan looked up at Airachnid.

"You won't be able to get the information you want," she said.

"Oh," Airachnid said, "I have a feeling I will."

She shot another web at Jordan that wrapped around her. Airachnid picked her up with her spider leg.

"Jordan!" Arcee shouted.

Keeping one hand firing at the police car, she shot at Airachnid. Airachnid turned around so the blasts wouldn't hit Jordan. She transformed into her helicopter form, trapping Jordan inside. Bumblebee freed Bulkhead and the two tried to shot at Airachnid.

"Don't!" Arcee shouted. "She's got Jordan!"

They two stopped shooting. Arcee hit the police car once more, knocking him to the ground. She radioed in that they needed a portal.

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